June 2021
Dear Members
There will be a chance to display your works of art on the Castle railings over the weekend of 17/18 July. It will be up to the artist to set up, keep an eye on their artworks and take them down at the end of the day. There will be cable ties provided for hanging and, in case of inclement weather, plenty of polythene sheeting to cover up the art if not the artists. If you are interested in showing anything please contact Mary Sprake. We would also like some bunting or other cheerful decorations, as mentioned in the previous Newsletter, to help cheer everyone up.
Chickens for the Chicken Roundabout
Bobby has been trying to negotiate with South Norfolk council re our plans to make chickens for the Chicken Roundabout, but has hit a bit of a brick wall. They claim that it is policy not to allow anything on roundabouts as it could distract drivers and cause accidents. We know that other authorities allow all sorts of things on their roundabouts and are not convinced that all South Norfolk roundabouts are free from signage or other decoration. If you know of any that do have anything on them would you please make a note of where and what and let Mary know, who will pass it on for Bobby to use as ammunition. I does seem a shame that now the live chickens have all been 'moved along' we are not allowed to commemorate them and it has become just an ordinary roundabout.
There is a splendid rooster is on a roundabout in Dorking. Our chickens are envisaged as being rather more modest in size!
Mosaic for Bungay Community Centre
Bobby is also going to run a workshop in mosaic making so that those who wish to contribute to the Bungay Mosaic for the new Community Centre will know what they need to do. She is very busy with Open Studio work, amongst other things, at the moment but we will let you know well in advance what, when and where, etc..
Make Do and Mend Friday 18 June at Mettingham Village Hall 1 - 4
This session will be led, informally, by Terry Wright and Vicky Honeywood.
We have both done a load of visible mending / embellishment of well loved and well worn items of clothing to extend their lives; to personalise them; to have another
excuse for hand stitching....
You might think we have jumped on the kantha / boro / sashiko bandwagon but we have been doing this for years!
It’s economical, it’s sustainable and it’s fun!!
It’s most fun if you use fabrics and threads that you like.
You will need:
garments or textiles in need of tlc
darning needle or bodkin
embroidery needle(s)
fabric scraps
embroidery threads - cottons, silks, wools, ribbons
a darning mushroom if you have one
an embroidery hoop if you want
small scissors
your own refreshments: mug, tea / coffee bags, milk, biscuits etc
your glasses!
We will bring
examples of our mended clothes
a small quantity of fabric to stitch into and on to
some wool ends
reference books
.’..........the care you show when mending a garment strengthens your connection to it, as if the repair becomes a part of the history of the person who wears the garment’
Kerstin Neumuller
Please let Terry know if you would like to come. E-mail : [email protected]
If you would like a page on the website to display your work and provide a statement Issy would be pleased to hear from you. Even if you can only provide some images of what you enjoy creating they would be most welcome.
Chairman Mary Sprake [email protected]
Membership and Newsletter Georgina Johnson [email protected]
Website Issy Coe [email protected]
Facebook/Instagram Vicki Honeywood [email protected]
May 2021
Dear Members
Things should be getting back to some semblance of normality before too long and there are one or two things to report from BDA.
The Committee have continued to meet via zoom and have arranged for an empty shop in Bungay to be available as a showcase for artwork. This will be available on a month by month basis until the shop is let. You will need to provide an easel or other means of support and as we are not allowed to sell items directly the artist will be contacted via BDA should anyone wish to purchase a work.
If you wish to be included please contact Mary.
We are planning to decorate the railings around the Castle during Art on the Railings
in July (17th and 18th), so if anyone would like to make bunting, crotchet or knit flowers, black dogs etc. please let Mary know.
The Mosaic for Bungay which is planned for the new Community Centre is a future project by BDA which we hope plenty of our members will help to create. You don't have to have any previous knowledge of mosaic making as there will be details of exactly what this entails and when mosaic workshops will take place once we are all able to meet up again.
We trust that everyone has managed to keep cheerful and occupied during the last year or so and we are all looking forward to the summer being the start of better things.
With all best wishes to you all,
Georgina and the BDA Committee
Chairman Mary Sprake [email protected]
and Newsletter Georgina Johnson [email protected]
Website Issy Coe [email protected]
Facebook/Instagram Vicki Honeywood [email protected]
Newsletter December 2020
Dear Members,
Owing to the current situation, Mettingham Village Hall is closed until further notice so the Monday Art Group and the Screen printing sessions are not being held at present. The Monday Group have been producing work from home during the summer, as have the rest of us I expect, and I will be including some pictures in the January Newsletter. If you have anything to brighten up the next Newsletter please send it to me.
The Repousse workshop - via zoom - was a great success :
We are planning another couple zoom of workshops, one in which I will show you how to make boxes out of card, brown parcel tape and newspaper. : This workshop will be on January 23rd from 2 'til 4. Let me know if you would like to join in and I'll let you know what you will need to gather together in advance.
As a follow up, on 6 February also from 2 -4, Mary Sprake will be doing a decoupage lesson showing how you can apply decoration using printed papers, old maps, illustrations from old books, for example. If you are interested in joining in please let Mary know.
To those of you who feel apprehensive about using zoom to attend, please don't. You will be sent a meeting number and pass code and it really is easy to join the meeting. I am a bit of a technophobe but even I can do it, so give it a go.
There are several empty shops in Bungay and we are exploring the possibility of displaying members art in the windows. We are also considering Art on the Railings during the Bungay Festival in the summer, if of course it is feasible. Also we are making enquiries about having an exhibition in the church if the ongoing works and Covid permit. Things being what they are it is difficult to make any firm arrangements at present but we will let you know if anything comes to fruition.
Bobby is still plugging away re. the chickens for the Chicken Roundabout. Ditchingham are very keen, have discussed it in council and are happy to see it happen. The Highways Authority are the fly in the ointment but Bobby has a few ideas to convince them it would be safe and people will not be so distracted that they drive into the roundabout or get run over taking photos! So despite there having been no news recently on this project it has not been forgotten.
With all good wishes for Christmas and especially the New Year
Chairman Mary Sprake [email protected]
and Newsletter Georgina Johnson [email protected]
Website Issy Coe [email protected]
Facebook/Instagram Vicki Honeywood [email protected]
COVID-19 Update:
As we have been unable to meet together as a committee until now, we decided to meet in Marlene's garden so we could maintain social distancing. All went well for the first half hour; tea and cakes consumed, until the skies darkened...... and the rain came !............ but, not to be deterred, out came the brollies !!
June 2021
Dear Members
There will be a chance to display your works of art on the Castle railings over the weekend of 17/18 July. It will be up to the artist to set up, keep an eye on their artworks and take them down at the end of the day. There will be cable ties provided for hanging and, in case of inclement weather, plenty of polythene sheeting to cover up the art if not the artists. If you are interested in showing anything please contact Mary Sprake. We would also like some bunting or other cheerful decorations, as mentioned in the previous Newsletter, to help cheer everyone up.
Chickens for the Chicken Roundabout
Bobby has been trying to negotiate with South Norfolk council re our plans to make chickens for the Chicken Roundabout, but has hit a bit of a brick wall. They claim that it is policy not to allow anything on roundabouts as it could distract drivers and cause accidents. We know that other authorities allow all sorts of things on their roundabouts and are not convinced that all South Norfolk roundabouts are free from signage or other decoration. If you know of any that do have anything on them would you please make a note of where and what and let Mary know, who will pass it on for Bobby to use as ammunition. I does seem a shame that now the live chickens have all been 'moved along' we are not allowed to commemorate them and it has become just an ordinary roundabout.
There is a splendid rooster is on a roundabout in Dorking. Our chickens are envisaged as being rather more modest in size!
Mosaic for Bungay Community Centre
Bobby is also going to run a workshop in mosaic making so that those who wish to contribute to the Bungay Mosaic for the new Community Centre will know what they need to do. She is very busy with Open Studio work, amongst other things, at the moment but we will let you know well in advance what, when and where, etc..
Make Do and Mend Friday 18 June at Mettingham Village Hall 1 - 4
This session will be led, informally, by Terry Wright and Vicky Honeywood.
We have both done a load of visible mending / embellishment of well loved and well worn items of clothing to extend their lives; to personalise them; to have another
excuse for hand stitching....
You might think we have jumped on the kantha / boro / sashiko bandwagon but we have been doing this for years!
It’s economical, it’s sustainable and it’s fun!!
It’s most fun if you use fabrics and threads that you like.
You will need:
garments or textiles in need of tlc
darning needle or bodkin
embroidery needle(s)
fabric scraps
embroidery threads - cottons, silks, wools, ribbons
a darning mushroom if you have one
an embroidery hoop if you want
small scissors
your own refreshments: mug, tea / coffee bags, milk, biscuits etc
your glasses!
We will bring
examples of our mended clothes
a small quantity of fabric to stitch into and on to
some wool ends
reference books
.’..........the care you show when mending a garment strengthens your connection to it, as if the repair becomes a part of the history of the person who wears the garment’
Kerstin Neumuller
Please let Terry know if you would like to come. E-mail : [email protected]
If you would like a page on the website to display your work and provide a statement Issy would be pleased to hear from you. Even if you can only provide some images of what you enjoy creating they would be most welcome.
Chairman Mary Sprake [email protected]
Membership and Newsletter Georgina Johnson [email protected]
Website Issy Coe [email protected]
Facebook/Instagram Vicki Honeywood [email protected]
May 2021
Dear Members
Things should be getting back to some semblance of normality before too long and there are one or two things to report from BDA.
The Committee have continued to meet via zoom and have arranged for an empty shop in Bungay to be available as a showcase for artwork. This will be available on a month by month basis until the shop is let. You will need to provide an easel or other means of support and as we are not allowed to sell items directly the artist will be contacted via BDA should anyone wish to purchase a work.
If you wish to be included please contact Mary.
We are planning to decorate the railings around the Castle during Art on the Railings
in July (17th and 18th), so if anyone would like to make bunting, crotchet or knit flowers, black dogs etc. please let Mary know.
The Mosaic for Bungay which is planned for the new Community Centre is a future project by BDA which we hope plenty of our members will help to create. You don't have to have any previous knowledge of mosaic making as there will be details of exactly what this entails and when mosaic workshops will take place once we are all able to meet up again.
We trust that everyone has managed to keep cheerful and occupied during the last year or so and we are all looking forward to the summer being the start of better things.
With all best wishes to you all,
Georgina and the BDA Committee
Chairman Mary Sprake [email protected]
and Newsletter Georgina Johnson [email protected]
Website Issy Coe [email protected]
Facebook/Instagram Vicki Honeywood [email protected]
Newsletter December 2020
Dear Members,
Owing to the current situation, Mettingham Village Hall is closed until further notice so the Monday Art Group and the Screen printing sessions are not being held at present. The Monday Group have been producing work from home during the summer, as have the rest of us I expect, and I will be including some pictures in the January Newsletter. If you have anything to brighten up the next Newsletter please send it to me.
The Repousse workshop - via zoom - was a great success :
We are planning another couple zoom of workshops, one in which I will show you how to make boxes out of card, brown parcel tape and newspaper. : This workshop will be on January 23rd from 2 'til 4. Let me know if you would like to join in and I'll let you know what you will need to gather together in advance.
As a follow up, on 6 February also from 2 -4, Mary Sprake will be doing a decoupage lesson showing how you can apply decoration using printed papers, old maps, illustrations from old books, for example. If you are interested in joining in please let Mary know.
To those of you who feel apprehensive about using zoom to attend, please don't. You will be sent a meeting number and pass code and it really is easy to join the meeting. I am a bit of a technophobe but even I can do it, so give it a go.
There are several empty shops in Bungay and we are exploring the possibility of displaying members art in the windows. We are also considering Art on the Railings during the Bungay Festival in the summer, if of course it is feasible. Also we are making enquiries about having an exhibition in the church if the ongoing works and Covid permit. Things being what they are it is difficult to make any firm arrangements at present but we will let you know if anything comes to fruition.
Bobby is still plugging away re. the chickens for the Chicken Roundabout. Ditchingham are very keen, have discussed it in council and are happy to see it happen. The Highways Authority are the fly in the ointment but Bobby has a few ideas to convince them it would be safe and people will not be so distracted that they drive into the roundabout or get run over taking photos! So despite there having been no news recently on this project it has not been forgotten.
With all good wishes for Christmas and especially the New Year
Chairman Mary Sprake [email protected]
and Newsletter Georgina Johnson [email protected]
Website Issy Coe [email protected]
Facebook/Instagram Vicki Honeywood [email protected]
COVID-19 Update:
As we have been unable to meet together as a committee until now, we decided to meet in Marlene's garden so we could maintain social distancing. All went well for the first half hour; tea and cakes consumed, until the skies darkened...... and the rain came !............ but, not to be deterred, out came the brollies !!
BDA Update February 2020
Apologies – Feb update a bit late!
Monday Mornings Drop In untutored art session at Ann Woolson’s, 8 Woodland Drive, Bungay 01986 896016 – check when with Ann.
Every 3rd Wed in the month – Screen Printing with Jackie Linney £25 plus £6.50 hall hire. Bring your own fabric, cutting board and knife. To book contact [email protected]
Garden Art Trail After a couple of years break the GAT will return for the weekend 27/28 June so put it in your diary but remember if you submit you will be expected to sit in a garden over the weekend. Details will follow.
A Mosaic for Bungay This is an exciting new project for BDA which will depict Bungay over the centuries. It will be made in sections and each one will be worked on by a few people. The resulting mosaic will be hung in the new Community Centre. Further details to be finalised and then distributed.
Weekend exhibition Earsham Wetland Centre We are still waiting to hear of a suitable weekend.
Marble Painting – 6th May 11 – 2 with Sophie Wood - Mettingham VH £20pp including inks and paper.
We are exploring possibilities for the following:
Make Do and Mend
Sculpture Crochet
Beginners Guide to Mosaic – plaque, coaster etc (a taster for A Mosaic for Bungay)
Print etching on paper
Acrylic or oil on museum board
Let’s hope there is something for everyone
Website - contact [email protected] if you would like your work listed and if you have any photos of workshops please let Issy have them to put on the website.
Facebook Vicki is now our Facebook contact so again if you would like to post something contact [email protected] [email protected] Facebook
[email protected] 01986 892905
Apologies – Feb update a bit late!
Monday Mornings Drop In untutored art session at Ann Woolson’s, 8 Woodland Drive, Bungay 01986 896016 – check when with Ann.
Every 3rd Wed in the month – Screen Printing with Jackie Linney £25 plus £6.50 hall hire. Bring your own fabric, cutting board and knife. To book contact [email protected]
Garden Art Trail After a couple of years break the GAT will return for the weekend 27/28 June so put it in your diary but remember if you submit you will be expected to sit in a garden over the weekend. Details will follow.
A Mosaic for Bungay This is an exciting new project for BDA which will depict Bungay over the centuries. It will be made in sections and each one will be worked on by a few people. The resulting mosaic will be hung in the new Community Centre. Further details to be finalised and then distributed.
Weekend exhibition Earsham Wetland Centre We are still waiting to hear of a suitable weekend.
Marble Painting – 6th May 11 – 2 with Sophie Wood - Mettingham VH £20pp including inks and paper.
We are exploring possibilities for the following:
Make Do and Mend
Sculpture Crochet
Beginners Guide to Mosaic – plaque, coaster etc (a taster for A Mosaic for Bungay)
Print etching on paper
Acrylic or oil on museum board
Let’s hope there is something for everyone
Website - contact [email protected] if you would like your work listed and if you have any photos of workshops please let Issy have them to put on the website.
Facebook Vicki is now our Facebook contact so again if you would like to post something contact [email protected] [email protected] Facebook
[email protected] 01986 892905
BDA Update October 2019
AGM Mettingham VH on 3 November 3pm followed by afternoon tea. There is an Agenda item ‘The Future of BDA’. At a committee meeting on Tuesday Jenni said 2020 will be her last year as Treasurer and I will also stand down at the 2020 AGM as Chair. As I said in the last update it would be great if we could have some new blood on the committee as most of us are getting a bit long in the tooth so some new energetic members would be most welcome. Someone to take on publicity would be brilliant. We meet once a month, usually in the Fisher Theatre at 6 on Tuesday. If you would like to come on board but cannot make the AGM please let me know.
We are planning events next year to include an exhibition at Earsham Wetland Centre and a return of the Garden Art Trail in June.
Monday Mornings Drop In untutored art session at Ann Woolson’s, 8 Woodland Drive, Bungay 01986 896016 – check when with Ann.
Mondays - The Monday art group will be out 'on location' for the next couple of weeks. Weekly sessions at Mettingham Village Hall will resume on 21 October, but Di will tutor every other week and other potential tutors are being sought. Please contact [email protected] for details
Sundays 10.30 – 3.00 Untutored Life Drawing. Bring your own materials, equipment, food and drink. Fisher Theatre. [email protected] 27th October
Please feel free to invite any other artists to any of the sessions. The drop-in rates are - BDA members £12 full/ £9 half session, non BDA members £17 full/ £13 half session'
Every 3rd Wed in the month – Screen Printing with Jackie Linney £32.
Lino Cut Xmas Cards with Issy @ Mettingham VH Sat 16 November. Min 5 max 10 cost £25 to include all materials. Please let Terry know if you are interested by 30 October.
Xmas decorations with Bobbie and Mary date tba @ MVH. Cost will be hire of hall and any expenses so I would think about £10 depending on numbers – to book contact: [email protected]
Chicken Roundabout: Ditchingham PC are still waiting to hear from Highways.
Socials: We hope to have a get together for a meal early December – details will follow.
Website – Please contact [email protected] if you would like your work listed and if you have any photos of workshops please let Issy have them to put on the website.
BDA Update June 2019
Please note that there are several date changes.
Monday Mornings Drop In untutored art session at Ann Woolson’s, 8 Woodland Drive, Bungay 01986 896016 – check when with Ann.
Mondays 2 – 4.30 The Monday art group will be out 'on location' for the months of July, August and September Sessions tutored by Di Mckenna at Mettingham Village Hall will resume in the autumn. Please contact [email protected] for details
Sundays 10.30 – 3.00 Untutored Life Drawing. Bring your own materials, equipment, food and drink. Fisher Theatre. [email protected]
30th June, 29th September, 27th October
Please feel free to invite any other artists to any of the sessions. The drop-in rates are - BDA members £12 full/ £9 half session, non BDA members £17 full/ £13 half session'
Workshops for 2019
please email [email protected] to book your place:
Every 3rd Wed in the month – Screen Printing with Jackie Linney £32
Please check dates for the summer and autumn
24th June – ‘Beyond Automatic’ with Bungay Camera Club £15 Mettingham VH. 6.30 – 9.30
How to use the adjustable settings on your digital camera for greater control of your images- and maybe up the quality of your entry for our photography competition!
Bring your camera and its manual for an informative and practical session.
£15 pp for members £20 pp for non-members
Sat 17th August Silk Painting with Di McKenna £45 inc materials for initial piece but there will be materials to purchase if needed
13/14 July, 20/21 July and 27/28 July Exhibition of photographs of old Bungay in the Banqueting Hall at the Three Tuns.
Also entries to our photography competition with a Historic Bungay theme Run in collaboration with Bungay Camera Club. See our Facebook page for details
Come and look and maybe share your memories.
A Horrible History of Bungay Chris Reeve, local historian, will give a talk on Saturday 13th July and again on Saturday 27th July
These will be given in the Banqueting Hall of the Three Tuns and will begin at 2.30.
There will be a small charge for entry in aid of Black Dog Arts.
2019 Historical Trail maps and quiz sheets will be available from various local shops for £2. Have fun trying to spot the locations of our cryptic photos taken by members of Bungay Camera Club.
Also look out for the photos in shop windows showing their past existences.
How many do you remember?
Peepboards: members have been hard at work producing a set of magnificent peepboards depicting local historical characters. These will be out and about the town during the Bungay Festival. Have fun snapping friends and family in different guises!
Chicken Roundabout: Bobbie is attempting to untangle the red tape which is slowing down progress. In the meantime we are all enjoying the wild flower beds!
Socials: the proposed trip to Kew has been cancelled due to a lack of interest
Website – Issy is updating this. [email protected] Please contact her to create a page for your work. If you have any photos of workshops please let Issy have them to put on the website. [email protected] Facebook
[email protected] 01986 892905
Many of you will know the Fisher Theatre has the opportunity to buy the building if £150,000 can be repaid to the AHF by the end of this year. Please see flyer attached. The committee voted unanimously to donate £500 to the appeal. The life drawing w/s are held in the theatre as are our committee meetings (no charge) and of course the theatre does has art exhibitions in the gallery – the Harleston & Waveney Art Trail is exhibiting at the moment – PV Sun 28th 4 – 6. If you would like to donate to keep the theatre secure for the future details are attached.
Monday Mornings Drop In untutored art session at Ann Woolson’s, 8 Woodland Drive, Bungay 01986 896016 – check when with Ann.
Mondays 2 – 4.30 from - Untutored art session but with input and projects supplied by Di McKenna. Tutored sessions will resume in the summer. Bring your own materials etc. Tea, coffee and biscuits provided. Mettingham Village Hall. Charge will be to cover hall hire only so depends on number attending. Please contact [email protected]
Sundays 10.30 – 3.00 Untutored Life Drawing. Bring your own materials, equipment, food and drink. Fisher Theatre. [email protected]
28th April, 26th May, 30th June, 29th September, 27th October
Now that the roof windows above the auditorium have been fixed, I'm looking forward to being able to use more natural light on the models for our 2019 sessions.
Please feel free to invite any other artists to any of the sessions. The drop-in rates are - BDA members £12 full/ £9 half session, non BDA members £17 full/ £13 half session
Workshops for 2019 please email [email protected] to book your place:
Every 3rd Wed in the month – Screen Printing with Jackie Linney £32
Sun 28th April ‘I Can’t Draw But I’d Like To Learn’ with Issy Coe £25
Scared of that expanse of white paper ? Wish you could draw ? What is sketching ? Where should you start ? What materials do you need ?
Sat 11th May ‘Colour for Calm’ with Issy Coe £25
This workshop will combine relaxation techniques and watercolour painting and will allow you to experiment with changing colours in a therapeutic way in order to achieve calm.
17 June – ‘Beyond Automatic’ with Bungay Camera Club £15 Mettingham VH (details to follow)
Sat 22 June Silk Painting with Di McKenna £45 inc materials for initial piece but there will be materials to purchase if needed.
13/14 July, 20/21 July and 27/28 July photographic exhibition/competition with Historic Bungay theme in collaboration with Bungay Camera Club (details to follow)
2019 Historical Trail the programme is being worked on and details will be sent to you when complete.
Chicken Roundabout: Bobbie is attempting to untangle the red tape which is slowing down progress.
Socials: Jan is looking into one or two possibilities.
Website – Issy is updating this. [email protected] Please contact her to create a page for your work. If you have any photos of workshops please let Issy have them to put on the website. [email protected]
FEBRUARY 2019 - Update
Monday Mornings Drop In untutored art session at Ann Woolson’s, 8 Woodland Drive, Bungay 01986 896016 – check when with Ann.
Mondays 2 – 4.30 from - Untutored art session but with input and projects supplied by Di McKenna. Tutored sessions will resume in the summer. Bring your own materials etc. Tea, coffee and biscuits provided. Mettingham Village Hall. Charge will be to cover hall hire only so depends on number attending. Please contact [email protected]
Sundays 10.30 – 3.00 Untutored Life Drawing. Bring your own materials, equipment, food and drink. Fisher Theatre. [email protected]
Session dates: 24th February, 31st March, 28th April, 26th May, 30th June, 29th September, 27th October
Now that the roof windows above the auditorium have been fixed, I'm looking forward to being able to use more natural light on the models for our 2019 sessions. For theatre scheduling reasons, the March session will be in the Gallery.
Please feel free to invite any other artists to any of the sessions. The drop-in rates are - BDA members £12 full/ £9 half session, non BDA members £17 full/ £13 half session
Workshops for 2019:
All at Mettingham VH 10 – 4 - except Raku [email protected] to book.
Wed 20th February (every 3rd Wed in the month) – Screen Printing with Jackie Linney £32
Sun 3rd March mixed media ‘Hats and Masks’ with Di McKenna £25
Raku - Cost will depend on numbers - £45 for both sessions for 8 inc materials or £85 for both for 4 inc materials
Thur 14th March Raku Making Day with Lorry Cudmore
Sat 30th March Raku Firing Day with Lorry Cudmore
Sat 6th April Wet Felting with Georgina Johnson £25 inc materials but if you have any 100% wool going spare please bring it.
Sun 28th April ‘I Can’t Draw But I’d Like To Learn’ with Issy Coe
Scared of that expanse of white paper ? Wish you could draw ? What is sketching ? Where should you start ? What materials do you need ?
Sat 22 June Silk Painting with Di McKenna £45 inc materials for initial piece but there will be materials to purchase if needed.
Social – African Evening at Fisher Theatre Sat 23rd March 6pm £15 inc food and entertainment. To book call box office 01986 897130. There will be tables reserved for BDA.
Website – Issy is updating this. [email protected] Please contact her to create a page for your work. If you have any photos of workshops please let Issy have them to put on the website. [email protected] Facebook
[email protected] 01986 892905
I hope you have survived the festive period and all the bugs that have been around and are looking forward to a new creative year. We have our usual old favourites as well as a selection of new workshops for you to enjoy – come out of your comfort zone and try something new, there’s plenty to choose from. More details will follow as the arrangements are firmed up and I hope you will come along - Marlene
Monday Mornings Drop In untutored art session at Ann Woolson’s, 8 Woodland Drive, Bungay 01986 896016 – check when with Ann.
Mondays 2 – 4.30 from 21 January - Untutored art session but with input and projects supplied by Di McKenna. Tutored sessions will resume in the summer. Bring your own materials etc. Tea, coffee and biscuits provided. Mettingham Village Hall. Charge will be to cover hall hire only so depends on number attending. Please contact [email protected]
Sundays 10.30 – 3.00 Untutored Life Drawing. Bring your own materials, equipment, food and drink. Fisher Theatre. [email protected] From Malcolm:
"The first session of the new season was at the end of November last year and attendance was modest! Many thanks to the handful of regulars who committed to the whole season by taking out a subscription at the November session. It is still not too late to take out a subscription for the remaining 8 sessions. A one off payment of £70 (was £75) for BDA members will give you the security of knowing all 8 sessions are covered (at a good discount on the regular drop-in rate) and all you have to do is turn up to draw each time!
The 8 dates are:
27th January, 24th February, 31st March, 28th April, 26th May, 30th June, 29th September, 27th October
Now that the roof windows above the auditorium have been fixed, I'm looking forward to being able to use more natural light on the models for our 2019 sessions. For theatre scheduling reasons, the January and March sessions will be in the Gallery.
Please feel free to invite any other artists to any of the sessions. The drop-in rates are - BDA members £12 full/ £9 half session, non BDA members £17 full/ £13 half session
I look forward to seeing you at the next session. Meanwhile, I wish you a Very Happy (and Art-rich) New Year"
Workshops for 2019:
All at Mettinham VH 10 – 4 - except Raku - further details to follow - [email protected] to book.
Sun 3rd March mixed media ‘Hats and Masks’ with Di McKenna
Thur 14th March Raku Making Day with Lorry Cudmore
Sat 30th March Raku Firing Day with Lorry Cudmore
Sat 6th April Wet Felting with Georgina Johnson
Sun 28th April ‘I Can’t Draw But I’d Like To Learn’ with Issy Coe
Sat 11th May ‘Colour for Calm’ with Issy Coe
Sat 22 June Silk Painting with Di McKenna
Social – Jan will be sending separate email
Website – Issy is updating this. Contact her at [email protected] if you would like her to include you on the Members' pages. [email protected] Facebook
[email protected] 01986 892905
NOVEMBER 2018 Update
Hi everyone –
Mondays Drop In untutored art session at Ann Woolson’s, 8 Woodland
Drive, Bungay 01986 896016 – check when with Ann.
Mondays 2 – 4.30 any media tutored class with Di McKenna or Jilly Szaybo. Bring your own materials etc. Tea, coffee and biscuits provided. Mettingham Village Hall. Please contact [email protected] for further info. 6 week blocks – remaining 4 this year - 12 Nov with Di and Jilly 19/26 Nov/3 Dec. £72 upfront for 6 sessions or £14 drop in fee.
Sundays 10.30 – 3.00 Untutored Life Drawing. Bring your own materials,
equipment, food and drink. Fisher Theatre. [email protected] 01986 893291 for costs - last one this year 25 Nov. Eight sessions 2019 – 27 Jan, 24 Feb, 31 Mar, 28 Apr, 26 May, 30 June, 29 Sept, 27 Oct.
Members’ November Exhib in St Mary’s Church – drop off 14th, hang and PV on 15th, open to public 16th – 25th, taken down Mon 26th.
Xmas Decoration workshop with Bobbie Watchorn and Mary Sprake 1 Dec Mettingham VH– last year great fun was had by all – mince pies and sloe gin included!! [email protected] to book.
BDA UPDATE NOV 2018 [email protected]
[email protected]
Mondays Drop In untutored art session at Ann Woolson’s, 8 Woodland Drive, Bungay 01986 896016
Mondays 2 – 4.30 any media tutored class with Di McKenna or Jilly Szaybo. Bring your own materials etc. Tea, coffee and biscuits provided. Mettingham Village Hall. Please contact [email protected] for further info. Break 22 Oct. Resume on 29 Oct - Di first 3 weeks and Jilly last three weeks. £72 upfront for 6 sessions or £14 drop in fee.
Sundays 10.30 – 3.00 Untutored Life Drawing. Bring your own materials, equipment, food and drink. Fisher Theatre. [email protected] 01986 893291 for costs 21 Oct
AGM Sun 28 Oct - Mettingham VH 3pm. Short meeting followed by tea and cakes provided by the committee. If anyone would like to join the committee you will be most welcome, please contact Marlene (details below). Agenda attached.
Action Painting with Paul Zawadski – 30 Oct - Mixed Media at Mettingham Village Hall 10 – 4.00 details to follow. [email protected] to book your place.
Members’ November Exhibition in St Mary’s Church – drop off 14th, hang and PV on 15th, open to public 16th – 25th, taken down Mon 26th. Karen has sent out forms, if you need another contact [email protected]
Xmas Decoration workshop with Bobbie Watchorn and Mary Sprake 1 Dec Mettingham VH– last year great fun was had by all – mince pies and sloe gin included!! [email protected] to book.
Raku with Lorry Cudmore – postponed in October – now 14 March for creating and 30 March for firing. Details will follow. [email protected] to book. [email protected]
[email protected] 01986 892905
April 2018 Update
Mondays 10 – 12 Drop in art session at Ann Woolson’s, 8 Woodland Drive, Bungay 01986 896016
Mondays 2 – 4.30 tutored class with Di McKenna or Jilly Szaybo.
Bring your own materials etc. Tea, coffee and biscuits provided. Mettingham Village Hall 01986897043 [email protected] £10 plus £2 towards hall hire or pay £50 at
at the beginning of each 5 weeks
Sundays 10.30 – 3.00 Untutored Life Drawing. Bring your own materials, equipment, food and drink. Fisher Theatre. [email protected] 01986 893291 for costs
29 Apr : 20 May : 17 June : 29 July : 26 Aug : 23 Sept : 21 Oct
Seasonal visits to the Wetland Centre at Earsham for sketching/painting - dates
20 Apr, 22 June, 21 Sept – we will meet at 10 in the café, have a coffee and explain the venue. Snacks will be available at lunch time but you may want to bring your own lunch. The site has been waterlogged so be prepared and bring suitable shoes/boots. It is possible we may be restricted access depending on the progress of work following the wet weather. Please bring everything you need including a chair.
Drawing and abstract workshop with Chris Hann - 17 April - 10 – 4 Mettingham VH £20/25 non-members
Mixed Media Sketchbooking with Sarah Cannell 15 May at Raveningham £20/£25
Mosiacs – 15 July at Park Farm, Earsham 10.00 onwards. Bobbie has kindly offered to host this and there will be indoor provision if wet. Adhesives, grout etc will be provided but you must bring you base and broken china, ceramics, stones, pebbles etc, roughly football size also apron, pliers, sponges and hot air gun if you have one. Charge for materials used.
Contact Terry to book any of the above [email protected] 01986 894126
Lino Cuts in autumn with Andrew Hibbert – who has suggested a prior visit to:
13 June – Jarrold Printing Museum, Norwich meet 1.20 for tour 1.30 – 3.30. It is suggested we then go to the Adam & Eve pub round the corner. However you may wish to have an early lunch before the tour, one of our members will be doing this so please let us know if you are interested.
This summer – we are hoping to plan art in a large garden – not an art trail around town but something different. [email protected] Facebook
For further BDA info or feedback please contact Marlene Jervis, Chairman, [email protected] _ 01986 892905
AGM Mettingham VH on 3 November 3pm followed by afternoon tea. There is an Agenda item ‘The Future of BDA’. At a committee meeting on Tuesday Jenni said 2020 will be her last year as Treasurer and I will also stand down at the 2020 AGM as Chair. As I said in the last update it would be great if we could have some new blood on the committee as most of us are getting a bit long in the tooth so some new energetic members would be most welcome. Someone to take on publicity would be brilliant. We meet once a month, usually in the Fisher Theatre at 6 on Tuesday. If you would like to come on board but cannot make the AGM please let me know.
We are planning events next year to include an exhibition at Earsham Wetland Centre and a return of the Garden Art Trail in June.
Monday Mornings Drop In untutored art session at Ann Woolson’s, 8 Woodland Drive, Bungay 01986 896016 – check when with Ann.
Mondays - The Monday art group will be out 'on location' for the next couple of weeks. Weekly sessions at Mettingham Village Hall will resume on 21 October, but Di will tutor every other week and other potential tutors are being sought. Please contact [email protected] for details
Sundays 10.30 – 3.00 Untutored Life Drawing. Bring your own materials, equipment, food and drink. Fisher Theatre. [email protected] 27th October
Please feel free to invite any other artists to any of the sessions. The drop-in rates are - BDA members £12 full/ £9 half session, non BDA members £17 full/ £13 half session'
Every 3rd Wed in the month – Screen Printing with Jackie Linney £32.
Lino Cut Xmas Cards with Issy @ Mettingham VH Sat 16 November. Min 5 max 10 cost £25 to include all materials. Please let Terry know if you are interested by 30 October.
Xmas decorations with Bobbie and Mary date tba @ MVH. Cost will be hire of hall and any expenses so I would think about £10 depending on numbers – to book contact: [email protected]
Chicken Roundabout: Ditchingham PC are still waiting to hear from Highways.
Socials: We hope to have a get together for a meal early December – details will follow.
Website – Please contact [email protected] if you would like your work listed and if you have any photos of workshops please let Issy have them to put on the website.
BDA Update June 2019
Please note that there are several date changes.
Monday Mornings Drop In untutored art session at Ann Woolson’s, 8 Woodland Drive, Bungay 01986 896016 – check when with Ann.
Mondays 2 – 4.30 The Monday art group will be out 'on location' for the months of July, August and September Sessions tutored by Di Mckenna at Mettingham Village Hall will resume in the autumn. Please contact [email protected] for details
Sundays 10.30 – 3.00 Untutored Life Drawing. Bring your own materials, equipment, food and drink. Fisher Theatre. [email protected]
30th June, 29th September, 27th October
Please feel free to invite any other artists to any of the sessions. The drop-in rates are - BDA members £12 full/ £9 half session, non BDA members £17 full/ £13 half session'
Workshops for 2019
please email [email protected] to book your place:
Every 3rd Wed in the month – Screen Printing with Jackie Linney £32
Please check dates for the summer and autumn
24th June – ‘Beyond Automatic’ with Bungay Camera Club £15 Mettingham VH. 6.30 – 9.30
How to use the adjustable settings on your digital camera for greater control of your images- and maybe up the quality of your entry for our photography competition!
Bring your camera and its manual for an informative and practical session.
£15 pp for members £20 pp for non-members
Sat 17th August Silk Painting with Di McKenna £45 inc materials for initial piece but there will be materials to purchase if needed
13/14 July, 20/21 July and 27/28 July Exhibition of photographs of old Bungay in the Banqueting Hall at the Three Tuns.
Also entries to our photography competition with a Historic Bungay theme Run in collaboration with Bungay Camera Club. See our Facebook page for details
Come and look and maybe share your memories.
A Horrible History of Bungay Chris Reeve, local historian, will give a talk on Saturday 13th July and again on Saturday 27th July
These will be given in the Banqueting Hall of the Three Tuns and will begin at 2.30.
There will be a small charge for entry in aid of Black Dog Arts.
2019 Historical Trail maps and quiz sheets will be available from various local shops for £2. Have fun trying to spot the locations of our cryptic photos taken by members of Bungay Camera Club.
Also look out for the photos in shop windows showing their past existences.
How many do you remember?
Peepboards: members have been hard at work producing a set of magnificent peepboards depicting local historical characters. These will be out and about the town during the Bungay Festival. Have fun snapping friends and family in different guises!
Chicken Roundabout: Bobbie is attempting to untangle the red tape which is slowing down progress. In the meantime we are all enjoying the wild flower beds!
Socials: the proposed trip to Kew has been cancelled due to a lack of interest
Website – Issy is updating this. [email protected] Please contact her to create a page for your work. If you have any photos of workshops please let Issy have them to put on the website. [email protected] Facebook
[email protected] 01986 892905
Many of you will know the Fisher Theatre has the opportunity to buy the building if £150,000 can be repaid to the AHF by the end of this year. Please see flyer attached. The committee voted unanimously to donate £500 to the appeal. The life drawing w/s are held in the theatre as are our committee meetings (no charge) and of course the theatre does has art exhibitions in the gallery – the Harleston & Waveney Art Trail is exhibiting at the moment – PV Sun 28th 4 – 6. If you would like to donate to keep the theatre secure for the future details are attached.
Monday Mornings Drop In untutored art session at Ann Woolson’s, 8 Woodland Drive, Bungay 01986 896016 – check when with Ann.
Mondays 2 – 4.30 from - Untutored art session but with input and projects supplied by Di McKenna. Tutored sessions will resume in the summer. Bring your own materials etc. Tea, coffee and biscuits provided. Mettingham Village Hall. Charge will be to cover hall hire only so depends on number attending. Please contact [email protected]
Sundays 10.30 – 3.00 Untutored Life Drawing. Bring your own materials, equipment, food and drink. Fisher Theatre. [email protected]
28th April, 26th May, 30th June, 29th September, 27th October
Now that the roof windows above the auditorium have been fixed, I'm looking forward to being able to use more natural light on the models for our 2019 sessions.
Please feel free to invite any other artists to any of the sessions. The drop-in rates are - BDA members £12 full/ £9 half session, non BDA members £17 full/ £13 half session
Workshops for 2019 please email [email protected] to book your place:
Every 3rd Wed in the month – Screen Printing with Jackie Linney £32
Sun 28th April ‘I Can’t Draw But I’d Like To Learn’ with Issy Coe £25
Scared of that expanse of white paper ? Wish you could draw ? What is sketching ? Where should you start ? What materials do you need ?
Sat 11th May ‘Colour for Calm’ with Issy Coe £25
This workshop will combine relaxation techniques and watercolour painting and will allow you to experiment with changing colours in a therapeutic way in order to achieve calm.
17 June – ‘Beyond Automatic’ with Bungay Camera Club £15 Mettingham VH (details to follow)
Sat 22 June Silk Painting with Di McKenna £45 inc materials for initial piece but there will be materials to purchase if needed.
13/14 July, 20/21 July and 27/28 July photographic exhibition/competition with Historic Bungay theme in collaboration with Bungay Camera Club (details to follow)
2019 Historical Trail the programme is being worked on and details will be sent to you when complete.
Chicken Roundabout: Bobbie is attempting to untangle the red tape which is slowing down progress.
Socials: Jan is looking into one or two possibilities.
Website – Issy is updating this. [email protected] Please contact her to create a page for your work. If you have any photos of workshops please let Issy have them to put on the website. [email protected]
FEBRUARY 2019 - Update
Monday Mornings Drop In untutored art session at Ann Woolson’s, 8 Woodland Drive, Bungay 01986 896016 – check when with Ann.
Mondays 2 – 4.30 from - Untutored art session but with input and projects supplied by Di McKenna. Tutored sessions will resume in the summer. Bring your own materials etc. Tea, coffee and biscuits provided. Mettingham Village Hall. Charge will be to cover hall hire only so depends on number attending. Please contact [email protected]
Sundays 10.30 – 3.00 Untutored Life Drawing. Bring your own materials, equipment, food and drink. Fisher Theatre. [email protected]
Session dates: 24th February, 31st March, 28th April, 26th May, 30th June, 29th September, 27th October
Now that the roof windows above the auditorium have been fixed, I'm looking forward to being able to use more natural light on the models for our 2019 sessions. For theatre scheduling reasons, the March session will be in the Gallery.
Please feel free to invite any other artists to any of the sessions. The drop-in rates are - BDA members £12 full/ £9 half session, non BDA members £17 full/ £13 half session
Workshops for 2019:
All at Mettingham VH 10 – 4 - except Raku [email protected] to book.
Wed 20th February (every 3rd Wed in the month) – Screen Printing with Jackie Linney £32
Sun 3rd March mixed media ‘Hats and Masks’ with Di McKenna £25
Raku - Cost will depend on numbers - £45 for both sessions for 8 inc materials or £85 for both for 4 inc materials
Thur 14th March Raku Making Day with Lorry Cudmore
Sat 30th March Raku Firing Day with Lorry Cudmore
Sat 6th April Wet Felting with Georgina Johnson £25 inc materials but if you have any 100% wool going spare please bring it.
Sun 28th April ‘I Can’t Draw But I’d Like To Learn’ with Issy Coe
Scared of that expanse of white paper ? Wish you could draw ? What is sketching ? Where should you start ? What materials do you need ?
Sat 22 June Silk Painting with Di McKenna £45 inc materials for initial piece but there will be materials to purchase if needed.
Social – African Evening at Fisher Theatre Sat 23rd March 6pm £15 inc food and entertainment. To book call box office 01986 897130. There will be tables reserved for BDA.
Website – Issy is updating this. [email protected] Please contact her to create a page for your work. If you have any photos of workshops please let Issy have them to put on the website. [email protected] Facebook
[email protected] 01986 892905
I hope you have survived the festive period and all the bugs that have been around and are looking forward to a new creative year. We have our usual old favourites as well as a selection of new workshops for you to enjoy – come out of your comfort zone and try something new, there’s plenty to choose from. More details will follow as the arrangements are firmed up and I hope you will come along - Marlene
Monday Mornings Drop In untutored art session at Ann Woolson’s, 8 Woodland Drive, Bungay 01986 896016 – check when with Ann.
Mondays 2 – 4.30 from 21 January - Untutored art session but with input and projects supplied by Di McKenna. Tutored sessions will resume in the summer. Bring your own materials etc. Tea, coffee and biscuits provided. Mettingham Village Hall. Charge will be to cover hall hire only so depends on number attending. Please contact [email protected]
Sundays 10.30 – 3.00 Untutored Life Drawing. Bring your own materials, equipment, food and drink. Fisher Theatre. [email protected] From Malcolm:
"The first session of the new season was at the end of November last year and attendance was modest! Many thanks to the handful of regulars who committed to the whole season by taking out a subscription at the November session. It is still not too late to take out a subscription for the remaining 8 sessions. A one off payment of £70 (was £75) for BDA members will give you the security of knowing all 8 sessions are covered (at a good discount on the regular drop-in rate) and all you have to do is turn up to draw each time!
The 8 dates are:
27th January, 24th February, 31st March, 28th April, 26th May, 30th June, 29th September, 27th October
Now that the roof windows above the auditorium have been fixed, I'm looking forward to being able to use more natural light on the models for our 2019 sessions. For theatre scheduling reasons, the January and March sessions will be in the Gallery.
Please feel free to invite any other artists to any of the sessions. The drop-in rates are - BDA members £12 full/ £9 half session, non BDA members £17 full/ £13 half session
I look forward to seeing you at the next session. Meanwhile, I wish you a Very Happy (and Art-rich) New Year"
Workshops for 2019:
All at Mettinham VH 10 – 4 - except Raku - further details to follow - [email protected] to book.
Sun 3rd March mixed media ‘Hats and Masks’ with Di McKenna
Thur 14th March Raku Making Day with Lorry Cudmore
Sat 30th March Raku Firing Day with Lorry Cudmore
Sat 6th April Wet Felting with Georgina Johnson
Sun 28th April ‘I Can’t Draw But I’d Like To Learn’ with Issy Coe
Sat 11th May ‘Colour for Calm’ with Issy Coe
Sat 22 June Silk Painting with Di McKenna
Social – Jan will be sending separate email
Website – Issy is updating this. Contact her at [email protected] if you would like her to include you on the Members' pages. [email protected] Facebook
[email protected] 01986 892905
NOVEMBER 2018 Update
Hi everyone –
- Karen has space for some more art work in the Exhibition – please contact her asap if you would still like to submit. [email protected]
- Those who attended Paul Zawadski’s ‘action painting’ workshop had a
really good day and we hope to offer it again. - Suggested workshops for 2019: silk painting/mosaics/wet felting with Alpacca and wool. As always let us know your ideas for workshops.
- At the AGM we were pleased to welcome Issy Coe to the committee and Issy has offered to take over our website, which is great news.
- Don’t forget the Christmas decs workshop on 1 December – this is a fun
session helped along with sloe gin and mince pies – see below. - Terry has now returned from her son’s wedding in Vietnam so please contact her for booking, unless stated otherwise.
- There will not be an Update in December - Marlene
Mondays Drop In untutored art session at Ann Woolson’s, 8 Woodland
Drive, Bungay 01986 896016 – check when with Ann.
Mondays 2 – 4.30 any media tutored class with Di McKenna or Jilly Szaybo. Bring your own materials etc. Tea, coffee and biscuits provided. Mettingham Village Hall. Please contact [email protected] for further info. 6 week blocks – remaining 4 this year - 12 Nov with Di and Jilly 19/26 Nov/3 Dec. £72 upfront for 6 sessions or £14 drop in fee.
Sundays 10.30 – 3.00 Untutored Life Drawing. Bring your own materials,
equipment, food and drink. Fisher Theatre. [email protected] 01986 893291 for costs - last one this year 25 Nov. Eight sessions 2019 – 27 Jan, 24 Feb, 31 Mar, 28 Apr, 26 May, 30 June, 29 Sept, 27 Oct.
Members’ November Exhib in St Mary’s Church – drop off 14th, hang and PV on 15th, open to public 16th – 25th, taken down Mon 26th.
Xmas Decoration workshop with Bobbie Watchorn and Mary Sprake 1 Dec Mettingham VH– last year great fun was had by all – mince pies and sloe gin included!! [email protected] to book.
BDA UPDATE NOV 2018 [email protected]
[email protected]
Mondays Drop In untutored art session at Ann Woolson’s, 8 Woodland Drive, Bungay 01986 896016
Mondays 2 – 4.30 any media tutored class with Di McKenna or Jilly Szaybo. Bring your own materials etc. Tea, coffee and biscuits provided. Mettingham Village Hall. Please contact [email protected] for further info. Break 22 Oct. Resume on 29 Oct - Di first 3 weeks and Jilly last three weeks. £72 upfront for 6 sessions or £14 drop in fee.
Sundays 10.30 – 3.00 Untutored Life Drawing. Bring your own materials, equipment, food and drink. Fisher Theatre. [email protected] 01986 893291 for costs 21 Oct
AGM Sun 28 Oct - Mettingham VH 3pm. Short meeting followed by tea and cakes provided by the committee. If anyone would like to join the committee you will be most welcome, please contact Marlene (details below). Agenda attached.
Action Painting with Paul Zawadski – 30 Oct - Mixed Media at Mettingham Village Hall 10 – 4.00 details to follow. [email protected] to book your place.
Members’ November Exhibition in St Mary’s Church – drop off 14th, hang and PV on 15th, open to public 16th – 25th, taken down Mon 26th. Karen has sent out forms, if you need another contact [email protected]
Xmas Decoration workshop with Bobbie Watchorn and Mary Sprake 1 Dec Mettingham VH– last year great fun was had by all – mince pies and sloe gin included!! [email protected] to book.
Raku with Lorry Cudmore – postponed in October – now 14 March for creating and 30 March for firing. Details will follow. [email protected] to book. [email protected]
[email protected] 01986 892905
April 2018 Update
Mondays 10 – 12 Drop in art session at Ann Woolson’s, 8 Woodland Drive, Bungay 01986 896016
Mondays 2 – 4.30 tutored class with Di McKenna or Jilly Szaybo.
Bring your own materials etc. Tea, coffee and biscuits provided. Mettingham Village Hall 01986897043 [email protected] £10 plus £2 towards hall hire or pay £50 at
at the beginning of each 5 weeks
Sundays 10.30 – 3.00 Untutored Life Drawing. Bring your own materials, equipment, food and drink. Fisher Theatre. [email protected] 01986 893291 for costs
29 Apr : 20 May : 17 June : 29 July : 26 Aug : 23 Sept : 21 Oct
Seasonal visits to the Wetland Centre at Earsham for sketching/painting - dates
20 Apr, 22 June, 21 Sept – we will meet at 10 in the café, have a coffee and explain the venue. Snacks will be available at lunch time but you may want to bring your own lunch. The site has been waterlogged so be prepared and bring suitable shoes/boots. It is possible we may be restricted access depending on the progress of work following the wet weather. Please bring everything you need including a chair.
Drawing and abstract workshop with Chris Hann - 17 April - 10 – 4 Mettingham VH £20/25 non-members
Mixed Media Sketchbooking with Sarah Cannell 15 May at Raveningham £20/£25
Mosiacs – 15 July at Park Farm, Earsham 10.00 onwards. Bobbie has kindly offered to host this and there will be indoor provision if wet. Adhesives, grout etc will be provided but you must bring you base and broken china, ceramics, stones, pebbles etc, roughly football size also apron, pliers, sponges and hot air gun if you have one. Charge for materials used.
Contact Terry to book any of the above [email protected] 01986 894126
Lino Cuts in autumn with Andrew Hibbert – who has suggested a prior visit to:
13 June – Jarrold Printing Museum, Norwich meet 1.20 for tour 1.30 – 3.30. It is suggested we then go to the Adam & Eve pub round the corner. However you may wish to have an early lunch before the tour, one of our members will be doing this so please let us know if you are interested.
This summer – we are hoping to plan art in a large garden – not an art trail around town but something different. [email protected] Facebook
For further BDA info or feedback please contact Marlene Jervis, Chairman, [email protected] _ 01986 892905

Black Dog Arts aims to develop art and craft in the Bungay area. We are a volunteer run organisation, formed in August 2007.
Membership is open to anyone who supports our aim. The 100 or so members range from professional artists, art teachers and students, to amateurs and enthusiasts.
We hold workshops, talks and exhibitions in response to members' interests and requests. We also offer mutual support and networking to people living in this rural area through our programme of activities
Black Dog Arts aims to develop art and craft in the Bungay area. We are a volunteer run organisation, formed in August 2007.
Membership is open to anyone who supports our aim. The 100 or so members range from professional artists, art teachers and students, to amateurs and enthusiasts.
We hold workshops, talks and exhibitions in response to members' interests and requests. We also offer mutual support and networking to people living in this rural area through our programme of activities
- September 2016 Update
- Our Chicken trail proved a great success around town and we had a very
entertaining evening for the BBQ and auction. Thanks to Carolyn Ashton for being
our flamboyant auctioneer and I’m pleased to say the River Waveney Trust has
benefited by £395.94 after deduction for the cost of providing the chickens. The
lady who won the competition received a patchwork chicken and she went on to
raffle it for the Air Ambulance and raised £105 so two worthy causes benefited from
our fun event.
Mondays am - Drop in sessions at Ann Woolston’s, 8 Woodland Drive, Bungay
10.00 – 12.00 Contact Ann on 01986 896016 to check dates.
Mondays pm – Weekly Draw and Paint tutored sessions with Di McKenna at
Mettingham VH - These have now resumed - 2.00 – 4.30 and £10 per session plus
£2 towards hall hire or pay £50 at the beginning of each 5 weeks.
Monthly craft session – first Thursday of the month so, 6 Oct, 3 Nov, 1 Dec - 2.00 – 4.00 - at Georgina’s in Ringsfield.
Bring along anything you are working on and have a natter and a cup of tea.
Contact Georgina for directions 01502 713247
Life Drawing in Fisher Theatre these start again on 18 Sept, 16 Oct and 20 Nov.
Many thanks to Malcolm Cudmore for organising these. £10 for members, £15 non-
members. Contact 01986 893291 to book a place
and confirm times - bring your own materials, drinks and lunch.
Screen Printing with Jackie Linney: Following the successful spring and summer
sessions dates for autumn/winter 21 Sept, 19 Oct, 16 Nov, 21 Dec and this term will
include garment making - Mettingham VH £20 per session members, £25 non-
members plus £5 towards hall hire. Maximum 8, Contact Terry Wright 01986 894126 to book your place
Oct 19th
Social – Textiles from my Travels, Claudette Davies will talk about textiles
collected during her 4 years in Pakistan. Fisher Theatre @ 10.30. Talk £8 or £16
including lunch. Please phone the box office 01986 897130 to book as this is in
their current programme. - AGM Sunday 30 October @ 3.30. After the hopefully brief meeting there will be
the opportunity to have tea and nibbles supplied by the committee. Unfortunately
we are losing Elizabeth Ashton from the committee. We really need some new
faces to either help with events or come up with new ideas. We meet once a month
in the pub and the meetings are usually very relaxed. Please let me know if you
would like any further details or if you would consider joining the committee.
Nov 19 - 27 – our annual art exhibition in St Mary’s Church. Submission details will
follow shortly.
Dec 4 – Bungay Christmas Street Market - we will have a stall mainly for PR
purposes but we will have some small items for sale and any takings will go to
BDA. If you have anything you would like to contribute please let me know.
Easter 2017 – Philip will be organizing another drawing challenge and exhibition in
St Mary’s.
Bungay Spring Market – we hope to have ‘Art on the Railings’ again.
So we hope to see lots of you at the AGM, an agenda will follow. Get busy creating
for our exhibitions, sad to say November will be here before we know it!
July 2016 Update
- Our Garden Art Trail last weekend was a great success with over 300 people visiting
the gardens and looking at art. Thanks to Mary and Georgina for organising this, it
is a lot of work, and also to the exhibitors and sitters. If you were not in town then
you missed the inflatable elephant at the Buttercross, thanks to Rob, where the trail
maps and children’s competition forms were available. There was a real buzz
around town with people strolling about with map in hand. We were blessed with
good weather unlike 2 years ago when we had the thunder storm from hell.
The Chickens’ Roundabout Bungay trail is still on so if you haven’t visited Bungay
you have missed seeing the 53 decorated birds in the windows. They will stay
perched there until the end of the month when they will then roost at Waveney River
Trust at Earsham until they are auctioned on 21 August at 7.15. You may have seen
the publicity in the local press and on Anglia TV.
Mondays am - Drop in sessions at Ann Woolston’s, 8 Woodland Drive, Bungay
10.00 – 12.00 Contact Ann on 01986 896016 to check dates.
Mondays pm – Weekly Draw and Paint tutored sessions with Di McKenna at
Mettingham VH - These will resume on 1 September 2.00 – 4.30 and £10 per
session plus £2 towards hall hire or pay £50 at the beginning of each 5 weeks.
Monthly craft session – first Thursday of the month so 4 August, 1 Sept, 6 Oct,
3 Nov, 1 Dec - 2.00 – 4.00 at Georgina’s in Ringsfield. Bring along anything you are
working on and have a natter and a cup of tea. Contact Georgina for directions
01502 713247 [email protected]
Life Drawing in Fisher Theatre these start again on 18 Sept, 16 Oct and 20 Nov.
Many thanks to Malcolm Cudmore for organising these. £10 for members, £15 non-
members. Contact [email protected] 01986 893291 to book a place
and confirm times - bring your own materials, drinks and lunch.
Raku with Lorry Cudmore Aug 26/27 – Two morning sessions, min 4, max 10
taking part. These will be at Lorry’s studio in Bungay. 10am – 1pm, £25 for each
session for members, £30 for non-members. This includes all materials and firing.
Contact Mary Sprake 01986 892692 or [email protected] to book your place.
Screen Printing with Jackie Linney: Following the successful spring and summer - sessions dates for autumn/winter 21 Sept, 19 Oct, 16 Nov, 21 Dec and this term will
include garment making - Mettingham VH £20 per session members, £25 non-
members plus £5 towards hall hire. Maximum 8, Contact Mary Sprake 01986
892692 or [email protected] to book your place
AGM October – perhaps you would like to join the committee? Date tbc
Nov 19 - 27 – our annual art exhibition in St Mary’s Church
Dates tbc Oil Painting with Di McKenna
Mosiacs with Jayne Wurr
Needle Felting with Linda Calver
Other potential workshops: Willow work/collage/ watercolour/wood cut/block
printing/textiles/paper making/gelli plate printing/textile books. Remember if you
would like a specific subject, or if you could offer to tutor a workshop, please let us
know and we will try to organise it.
For further BDA info or feedback please contact
Marlene Jervis, Chairman 01986 892905
Terry Wright, Secretary 01986 894126
- Mondays am - Drop in sessions at Ann Woolston’s, 8 Woodland Drive, Bungay 10 – 12. Contact Ann on 01986 896016 to check regarding dates.
Mondays pm – Weekly Draw and Paint tutored sessions with Di McKenna at Mettingham VH 2.00 – 4.30 and £10 per session plus £2 towards hall hire or pay £50 at the beginning of each 5 weeks. Commence again on 9th May. Dates for the summer: 09/05 16/05 23/05 06/06 13/06 20/06 27/06 04/07 11/07 and 18/07. No need to book, just come along and bring whatever materials you want to work with. If you would like further info please contact Di 01986 897043
Thur 5 May - Monthly craft session – 2 – 4 at Georgina’s in Ringsfield. Bring along anything you are working on and have a natter and a cup of tea. Contact Georgina for directions 01502 713247
Sun May 15 Art on the Railings of St Mary's Church – Spring Street Market Day.
Bring your work at 9.00 and collect at 5.00. Please note there will be no BDA exhibits inside the church. Pictures will be hung on the street side of the railings. Exhibitors will show on one or two 1 yd spaces of railing. Each yard or metre takes six to eight small works (6” by 8”) in two levels, or 2 to 3 large works in one level. They do have to be secure, there can be gusts of wind. Allocation will be by BDA member on duty at the War Memorial from 0900–on, first come first serve. Exhibitors are responsible for labelling (with price if selling), hanging, invigilation, selling, and protection against the weather. If we have too many works BDA c'ttee will decide which to exhibit. Remember the work will be on the railings, so large pieces will not be accepted. No hanging fee or commission. Please let Philip know if you are interested in exhibiting 01986 895113 or bensteadsfarm@btinternetcom
Life Drawing in Fisher Theatre 15 May, 19 June, 19 July, 18 Sept, 16 Oct and 20 Nov. Many thanks to Malcolm Cudmore for organising these. £10 for members, £15 non-members. Contact 01986 893291 to book a place and confirm times - bring your own materials, drinks and lunch.
Screen Printing with Jackie Linney: Last of the current series 15 June at Mettingham VH £20 per session members, £25 non-members plus £5 towards hall hire. This has been enjoyed by those taking part and will start again in September. Maximum 8, Contact Mary Sprake 01986 892692 or to book your place.
Sat 18 June and Sun 26 June – Indigo dying/shabori with Jenny Nutbeam who suggests the fabric is prepared the first session and dyed the second one. However you do not have to attend both. Mettingham VH 10 – 4, £20 members, £25 non-members. Contact Mary Sprake 01986 892692 or to book your place.
July - Chicken Trail from 2nd July around town leading up to the Garden Art Trail. The chickens have been cut out and PVA’d and will be going out to the shops soon so they can start decorating.
We plan to have a photo shoot on chicken roundabout with all the decorated chickens before they are returned for display in the shop windows - July 16/17 Garden Art Trail – this year we hope all gardens will be in the centre of town. The
theme of chickens will carry on from the Trail into the GAT and there will be a competition for children to find hidden chickens within the gardens. Details to follow but as before you will be
invited to submit work to show in the gardens, subject of your choice but we hope for many chicken themed related submissions.
Nov 19 - 27 – our annual art exhibition in St Mary’s Church
Other potential workshops: Willow work/collage/ watercolour/wood cut/block printing/textiles/papermaking/raku/3D needlefelted figure/gelli plate printing. Remember if you would like a specificsubject, or if you could offer to tutor a workshop, please let us know and we will try to organise it
Update - April 2016
March/April 2016 Update
The Drawing Exhibition in St Mary’s went well over last weekend and considering the typical Easter weather it proved to be quite successful thanks to Philip Evans and help from Karen Leah.
Mondays am - Drop in sessions at Ann Woolston’s, 8 Woodland Drive, Bungay 10 – 12. Contact Ann on 01986 896016 to check regarding dates.
Mondays pm – Weekly Draw and Paint tutored sessions with Di McKenna at Mettingham VH 2.00 – 4.30 and £10 per session plus £2 towards hall hire or pay £50 at the beginning of each 5 weeks. Please note there will be a break during April and will commence again on 9th May. Dates for the summer: 09/05 16/05 23/05 06/06 13/06 20/06 27/06 04/07 11/07 and 18/07. No need to book, just come along and bring whatever materials you want to work with. If you would like further info please contact Di 01986 897043 [email protected]
Life Drawing in Fisher Theatre 17 April, 15 May, 19 June, 19 July, 18 Sept, 16 Oct and 20 Nov. Many thanks to Malcolm Cudmore for organising these. £10 for members, £15 non-members. Contact [email protected] 01986 893291 to book a place and confirm times - bring your own materials, drinks and lunch.
Screen Printing with Jackie Linney: Next ones are 20 April, 18 May and 15 June at Mettingham VH £20 per session members, £25 non-members plus £5 towards hall hire. Maximum 8, Contact Mary Sprake [email protected] to book your place.
Thur 21st April – social evening with dinner 7.30 at The Fleece, Bungay. Please email [email protected] if you would like to come, this has already been circulated via separate email.
Sun April 24th Oil Workshop with Linda Matthews. Mettingham VH 10 – 4, £20/25. If you would like to try oils you don’t have to buy the materials, BDA will purchase a supply of oil paper, paint, brushes etc for you to use at a nominal charge (this will depend on numbers but should not be more than £5). Linda’s website is Contact Mary Sprake [email protected] to book
May 15th - Art on the Railings, St Mary’s Church – Garden Street Market Sunday. Details will follow.
July - Chicken Trail from 2nd July around town leading up to the Garden Art Trail.
Weekend July 16/17 Garden Art Trail – this year we hope all gardens will be in the centre of town. The theme of chickens will carry on from the Trail into the GAT and there will be a competition for children to find hidden chickens within the gardens and also a photographic competition for adults. Details to follow but as before you will be invited to submit work to show in the gardens, subject of your choice but we hope for many chicken themed related submissions.
November 2016 – our annual art exhibition in St Mary’s Church, 19 – 27 November (tbc)
Other potential workshops: Willow work/collage/indigo dying including shibori techniques/ watercolour/wood cut/block printing/textiles/paper making/raku. Remember if you would like a specific subject, or if you could offer to tutor a workshop, please let us know and we will try to organise it.
[email protected]
For further BDA info or feedback please contact
Marlene Jervis, Chairman [email protected] .
Terry Wright, Secretary [email protected] .
The Drawing Exhibition in St Mary’s went well over last weekend and considering the typical Easter weather it proved to be quite successful thanks to Philip Evans and help from Karen Leah.
Mondays am - Drop in sessions at Ann Woolston’s, 8 Woodland Drive, Bungay 10 – 12. Contact Ann on 01986 896016 to check regarding dates.
Mondays pm – Weekly Draw and Paint tutored sessions with Di McKenna at Mettingham VH 2.00 – 4.30 and £10 per session plus £2 towards hall hire or pay £50 at the beginning of each 5 weeks. Please note there will be a break during April and will commence again on 9th May. Dates for the summer: 09/05 16/05 23/05 06/06 13/06 20/06 27/06 04/07 11/07 and 18/07. No need to book, just come along and bring whatever materials you want to work with. If you would like further info please contact Di 01986 897043 [email protected]
Life Drawing in Fisher Theatre 17 April, 15 May, 19 June, 19 July, 18 Sept, 16 Oct and 20 Nov. Many thanks to Malcolm Cudmore for organising these. £10 for members, £15 non-members. Contact [email protected] 01986 893291 to book a place and confirm times - bring your own materials, drinks and lunch.
Screen Printing with Jackie Linney: Next ones are 20 April, 18 May and 15 June at Mettingham VH £20 per session members, £25 non-members plus £5 towards hall hire. Maximum 8, Contact Mary Sprake [email protected] to book your place.
Thur 21st April – social evening with dinner 7.30 at The Fleece, Bungay. Please email [email protected] if you would like to come, this has already been circulated via separate email.
Sun April 24th Oil Workshop with Linda Matthews. Mettingham VH 10 – 4, £20/25. If you would like to try oils you don’t have to buy the materials, BDA will purchase a supply of oil paper, paint, brushes etc for you to use at a nominal charge (this will depend on numbers but should not be more than £5). Linda’s website is Contact Mary Sprake [email protected] to book
May 15th - Art on the Railings, St Mary’s Church – Garden Street Market Sunday. Details will follow.
July - Chicken Trail from 2nd July around town leading up to the Garden Art Trail.
Weekend July 16/17 Garden Art Trail – this year we hope all gardens will be in the centre of town. The theme of chickens will carry on from the Trail into the GAT and there will be a competition for children to find hidden chickens within the gardens and also a photographic competition for adults. Details to follow but as before you will be invited to submit work to show in the gardens, subject of your choice but we hope for many chicken themed related submissions.
November 2016 – our annual art exhibition in St Mary’s Church, 19 – 27 November (tbc)
Other potential workshops: Willow work/collage/indigo dying including shibori techniques/ watercolour/wood cut/block printing/textiles/paper making/raku. Remember if you would like a specific subject, or if you could offer to tutor a workshop, please let us know and we will try to organise it.
[email protected]
For further BDA info or feedback please contact
Marlene Jervis, Chairman [email protected] .
Terry Wright, Secretary [email protected] .
Feb/Mar 2016 Update
Since the last Update we’ve had the first drop in craft afternoon at Georgina’s and a very pleasant time was had by all sitting round the table doing various bits and pieces and enjoying tea and Georgina’s lovely ginger cake. Last Sunday we had another wire workshop which unfortunately I missed as not well, but I’m sure it was successful and produced an array of wonderful wire sculptures.Those of us who went to our social on 31 Jan enjoyed lunch in the café and then Mal Canham showed and talked about kilims and other rugs at the Raveningham Centre. This is a treasure trove and well worth a visit.
Mondays am - Drop in sessions at Ann Woolston’s, 8 Woodland Drive, Bungay 10 – 12.
Mondays pm – Weekly Draw and Paint tutored sessions with Di McKenna at Mettingham VH 2.00 – 4.30 and £10 per session plus £2 towards hall hire or pay £60 at the beginning of each 6 weeks. No need to book, just come along and bring whatever materials you want to work with. If you would like further info please contact Di - [email protected]
Monthly craft session first Thursday in the month 2pm at Georgina’s in Ringsfield, next one 3rd March. You must have those not quite finished bits and pieces lying around so this is a good opportunity to get them completed. No instruction, unless one of us can help you out, just come along and do whatever you want. We can share transport but please contact Georgina at [email protected] if you are interested and to get directions.
Life Drawing in Fisher Theatre 21 Feb, 20 March, 17 April, 15 May, 19 June, 19 July, 18 Sept, 16 Oct and 20 Nov. Many thanks to Malcolm Cudmore for organising these. £10 for members, £15 non-members. Contact [email protected] 01986 893291 to book a place and confirm times - bring your own materials, drinks and lunch.
Screen Printing with Jackie Linney: Two of these have taken place, next ones are 16 March, 20 April, 18 May and 15 June at Mettingham VH £20 per session members, £25 non-members plus £5 towards hall hire. Maximum 8, Contact Mary Sprake [email protected] book your place.
March – Drawing Competition with £50 prize in each category!! The original info and dates have changed. Entries will now be handed in on 24 March and the exhibition will be open over the Easter weekend. The subject is “Work or Play”. Submission fee £2 for members, £5 for non-members, £1 for children Full info and expression of interest form are on the website or phone Philip Evans 01986 895113.Sun 6 March -
Extreme Crochet with Kally Davidson, Mettingham VH. This will be an all day workshop 10.00 – 4.00 £35 members, £40 non-members - first time we have offered this and it sounds intriguing. Contact Mary Sprake [email protected] if you are interested.
NEW!! Sun April 24th Oil Workshop with Linda Matthews. Mettingham VH 10 – 4, £20/25. If you would like to try oils you don’t have to buy the materials, BDA will purchase a supply of oil paper, paint, brushes etc for you to use at a nominal charge (this will depend on numbers but should not be more than £5). Linda’s website is Contact Mary Sprake [email protected] to book.
May 15th - Art on the Railings, St Mary’s Church – Garden Street Market Sunday. Details will follow.
July - Chicken Trail from 4th July around town (remember the dogs in 2014?) for two weeks leading up to the Garden Art Trail. If you would like to decorate a chicken (they will be a bit smaller than the dogs) please contact Terry [email protected]
Weekend July 16/17 Garden Art Trail – this year we hope all gardens will be in the centre of town. If you know of a tucked away garden please let Mary Sprake know [email protected]. The theme of chickens will carry on from the Trail into the GAT and there will be a competition for children to find hidden chickens within the gardens Details to follow but as before you will be invited to submit work to show in the gardens, subject of your choice but we hope for many chicken themed related submissions.
November 2016 – our annual art exhibition in St Mary’s Church, 19 – 27 November (tbc)
Other potential workshops: Willow work/collage/indigo dying including shibori techniques/ watercolour/wood cut/block printing/textiles/paper making. Remember if you would like a specific subject, or if you could offer to tutor a workshop, please let us know and we will try to organise it [email protected] Facebook
For further BDA info or feedback please contact Marlene Jervis, Chairman [email protected] Terry Wright, Secretary [email protected]
Since the last Update we’ve had the first drop in craft afternoon at Georgina’s and a very pleasant time was had by all sitting round the table doing various bits and pieces and enjoying tea and Georgina’s lovely ginger cake. Last Sunday we had another wire workshop which unfortunately I missed as not well, but I’m sure it was successful and produced an array of wonderful wire sculptures.Those of us who went to our social on 31 Jan enjoyed lunch in the café and then Mal Canham showed and talked about kilims and other rugs at the Raveningham Centre. This is a treasure trove and well worth a visit.
Mondays am - Drop in sessions at Ann Woolston’s, 8 Woodland Drive, Bungay 10 – 12.
Mondays pm – Weekly Draw and Paint tutored sessions with Di McKenna at Mettingham VH 2.00 – 4.30 and £10 per session plus £2 towards hall hire or pay £60 at the beginning of each 6 weeks. No need to book, just come along and bring whatever materials you want to work with. If you would like further info please contact Di - [email protected]
Monthly craft session first Thursday in the month 2pm at Georgina’s in Ringsfield, next one 3rd March. You must have those not quite finished bits and pieces lying around so this is a good opportunity to get them completed. No instruction, unless one of us can help you out, just come along and do whatever you want. We can share transport but please contact Georgina at [email protected] if you are interested and to get directions.
Life Drawing in Fisher Theatre 21 Feb, 20 March, 17 April, 15 May, 19 June, 19 July, 18 Sept, 16 Oct and 20 Nov. Many thanks to Malcolm Cudmore for organising these. £10 for members, £15 non-members. Contact [email protected] 01986 893291 to book a place and confirm times - bring your own materials, drinks and lunch.
Screen Printing with Jackie Linney: Two of these have taken place, next ones are 16 March, 20 April, 18 May and 15 June at Mettingham VH £20 per session members, £25 non-members plus £5 towards hall hire. Maximum 8, Contact Mary Sprake [email protected] book your place.
March – Drawing Competition with £50 prize in each category!! The original info and dates have changed. Entries will now be handed in on 24 March and the exhibition will be open over the Easter weekend. The subject is “Work or Play”. Submission fee £2 for members, £5 for non-members, £1 for children Full info and expression of interest form are on the website or phone Philip Evans 01986 895113.Sun 6 March -
Extreme Crochet with Kally Davidson, Mettingham VH. This will be an all day workshop 10.00 – 4.00 £35 members, £40 non-members - first time we have offered this and it sounds intriguing. Contact Mary Sprake [email protected] if you are interested.
NEW!! Sun April 24th Oil Workshop with Linda Matthews. Mettingham VH 10 – 4, £20/25. If you would like to try oils you don’t have to buy the materials, BDA will purchase a supply of oil paper, paint, brushes etc for you to use at a nominal charge (this will depend on numbers but should not be more than £5). Linda’s website is Contact Mary Sprake [email protected] to book.
May 15th - Art on the Railings, St Mary’s Church – Garden Street Market Sunday. Details will follow.
July - Chicken Trail from 4th July around town (remember the dogs in 2014?) for two weeks leading up to the Garden Art Trail. If you would like to decorate a chicken (they will be a bit smaller than the dogs) please contact Terry [email protected]
Weekend July 16/17 Garden Art Trail – this year we hope all gardens will be in the centre of town. If you know of a tucked away garden please let Mary Sprake know [email protected]. The theme of chickens will carry on from the Trail into the GAT and there will be a competition for children to find hidden chickens within the gardens Details to follow but as before you will be invited to submit work to show in the gardens, subject of your choice but we hope for many chicken themed related submissions.
November 2016 – our annual art exhibition in St Mary’s Church, 19 – 27 November (tbc)
Other potential workshops: Willow work/collage/indigo dying including shibori techniques/ watercolour/wood cut/block printing/textiles/paper making. Remember if you would like a specific subject, or if you could offer to tutor a workshop, please let us know and we will try to organise it [email protected] Facebook
For further BDA info or feedback please contact Marlene Jervis, Chairman [email protected] Terry Wright, Secretary [email protected]

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Rules for The Great Drawing Challenge 2016
Drawings will be judged under two categories, Work, or Play
Entries to be drawings in black and white, any medium. No prints
Expressions of interest please by 12th March, via email [email protected] , or post to Bensteads Farm, Low Road, Mettingham, NR35 1TP (mark ‘BDA Drawing’).
There will be three judges (one BDA committee member, the other two are non-BDA members). Judging will take place after 12 noon on 24th March and winners will announced at the Private View at 6pm same day.
Handing-in is at St Mary’s church, in central Bungay . It is a redundant church with a fine exhibition space, looked after by a group of Friends.
Date for handing in of entries Thursday 24th March between 10.00am and 12 noon. Entries must be framed, or mounted for browsing, with artist, title, medium, category and price on back. Please put NFS if to be retained by artist. Prize-giving and Private View Thursday 24th March at 6pm, Exhibition open 10.00 – 4.00 Friday 25th - Monday 28th March. Please collect works before 4 pm on 28th March
Entry fee £2 each drawing for BDA members, £4 each non-members, £1 for children; cash please.
PRIZES: There will be £50 in vouchers from the Art Trading Co. for the
winner in each category.
Any queries Philip Evans 01986 895 113
To download an Expression of Interest please click here
January 2016 Update from Marlene
I don’t know about you but I’m always pleased when the world returns to normal in January, although it isn’t very normal at the moment as I still have nasturtium leaves and geranium flowers in my garden.
The copper foil workshop with our member Ruth Mitchell was enjoyed by those who took part and we hope to repeat it later in the year.
Mondays am - Drop in sessions at Ann Woolston’s, 8 Woodland Drive, Bungay 10 – 12.
Mondays pm – Weekly Draw and Paint tutored sessions with Di McKenna at Mettingham VH starting 18 Jan. 2.00 – 4.30 and £10 per session plus £2 towards hall hire. No need to book, just come along and bring whatever materials you want to work with. If you would like further info please contact Di - [email protected]
Thursday – monthly craft session 2pm at Georgina’s in Ringsfield, start 4th Feb and every first Thur in the month. You must have those not quite finished bits and pieces lying around so this is a good opportunity to get them completed. No instruction, unless one of us can help you out, just come along and do whatever you want.
Life Drawing in Fisher Theatre 17 Jan, 21 Feb, 20 March, 17 April, 15 May, 19 June, 19 July, 18 Sept, 16 Oct and 20 Nov. Many thanks to Malcolm Cudmore for organising these. £10 for members, £15 non-members. Contact [email protected] 01986 893291 to book a place and confirm times - bring your own materials, drinks and lunch.
January’s Ravenous Lunch –you will have received Jan’s email about this lunch on Sunday January 31st at Raveningham Centre, Beccles Road, NR14 6NU. Meet at 12.30 at the Centre and lunch at 1.00. After lunch we will have coffee in the kilim (Eastern woven rugs) room where Mel Cannell will give a talk about his current kilim exhibition. If you don’t have email Jan’s number is 01986 896033 as you will need to select your menu by 24th January.
Screen Printing with Jackie Linney: 20 Jan, 17 Feb, 16 March, 20 April, 18 May and 15 June at Mettingham VH £20 per session members, £25 non-members plus £5 towards hall hire. Maximum 8, Contact Mary Sprake 01986 892692 or [email protected] to book your place.
Sun 14 Feb – CHANGE OF DATE - a return of the popular Wire Work workshop with Jenny Goater. Contact Mary Sprake [email protected]. Come along for a fun day, it’s amazing what can be made out of the various types of wire Jenny brings along.
February – Drawing Competition with £100 prize!! The subject will be “Work or Play”. Submission fee £2 for members, £5 for non-members, closing date 6 February. Private view Fri 26th 6pm in St Mary’s when the winner will be announced and all entries will be displayed 27/28 February in St Mary’s, with the opportunity to sell them if you wish. You will have received information via email but the entry details are on the website (see end of Update for address). This is being led by Philip Evans who came up with the idea, is providing half the prize and will be one of the judges together with Ken Skipper and Mary Spicer.
Sun 6 March - Extreme Crochet with Kally Davidson, Mettingham VH. Beginners 10 – 12 £15. Intermediate 12.30 – 4.00 £25 or all day £35, non-members add £5 max 4 people each session. This is the first time we have offered this and it sounds intriguing. Contact Mary Sprake [email protected] if you are interested. Details from Kally:
Beginners crochet Basic techniques of crochet, different ways of holding your crochet hook and yarn, how to crochet chain, double and treble stitch and work in a row. (Happy to teach left handed if needed, though please inform me beforehand so I have time to practice, thanks) Beginners crochet; minimum 3/maximum 4 10-12pm £15 per person
Intermediate 3D crochet Discover the beginnings of sculptural crochet and working in the round, learn to increase and decrease your stiches. Make chain stitches to branch off your piece. Create slip stitches and include the use of double and treble to change the heights of your rows and start to really flow and freeform crochet in 3D. Intermediate 3D crochet; minimum 4/maximum 8 12.30-4.00pm £25 per person Or £35 per person if they do the whole day (therefore only 4 places available at £35 per day) Materials included in price, though you are welcome to bring your own, (please be aware that in order for you to see the stitches you are creating it is best to use a smooth non bobbly yarn.) A selection of crochet hooks sized 3-27mm will available for you to use, plus some Artisan hand carved hooks and Art yarns to buy.
May - Art on the Railings, St Mary’s Church – Garden Street Market Sunday 15 May.
July - Chicken Trail from 4th July around town (remember the dogs last year?) for two weeks leading up to the Garden Art Trail. If you would like to decorate a chicken (they will be a bit smaller than the dogs) please contact Terry [email protected]
July 16/17 Garden Art Trail – this year we hope all gardens will be in the centre of town. If you know of a tucked away garden please let Mary Sprake know [email protected]. The theme of chickens will carry on from the Trail into the GAT and there will be a competition for children to find hidden chickens within the gardens. Details to follow but as before you will be invited to submit work to show in the gardens, subject of your choice but we hope for many chicken themed related submissions.
November 2016 – our annual art exhibition in St Mary’s Church, 19 – 27 November (tbc)
Other potential workshops: Willow work/collage/indigo dying including shibori techniques/ watercolour/oil. Remember if you would like a specific subject, or if you could offer to tutor a workshop, please let us know and we will try to organise it.
[email protected]
BDA Media – we are on Facebook
For further BDA info or feedback please contact
Marlene Jervis, Chairman [email protected]
Terry Wright, Secretary [email protected]
I don’t know about you but I’m always pleased when the world returns to normal in January, although it isn’t very normal at the moment as I still have nasturtium leaves and geranium flowers in my garden.
The copper foil workshop with our member Ruth Mitchell was enjoyed by those who took part and we hope to repeat it later in the year.
Mondays am - Drop in sessions at Ann Woolston’s, 8 Woodland Drive, Bungay 10 – 12.
Mondays pm – Weekly Draw and Paint tutored sessions with Di McKenna at Mettingham VH starting 18 Jan. 2.00 – 4.30 and £10 per session plus £2 towards hall hire. No need to book, just come along and bring whatever materials you want to work with. If you would like further info please contact Di - [email protected]
Thursday – monthly craft session 2pm at Georgina’s in Ringsfield, start 4th Feb and every first Thur in the month. You must have those not quite finished bits and pieces lying around so this is a good opportunity to get them completed. No instruction, unless one of us can help you out, just come along and do whatever you want.
Life Drawing in Fisher Theatre 17 Jan, 21 Feb, 20 March, 17 April, 15 May, 19 June, 19 July, 18 Sept, 16 Oct and 20 Nov. Many thanks to Malcolm Cudmore for organising these. £10 for members, £15 non-members. Contact [email protected] 01986 893291 to book a place and confirm times - bring your own materials, drinks and lunch.
January’s Ravenous Lunch –you will have received Jan’s email about this lunch on Sunday January 31st at Raveningham Centre, Beccles Road, NR14 6NU. Meet at 12.30 at the Centre and lunch at 1.00. After lunch we will have coffee in the kilim (Eastern woven rugs) room where Mel Cannell will give a talk about his current kilim exhibition. If you don’t have email Jan’s number is 01986 896033 as you will need to select your menu by 24th January.
Screen Printing with Jackie Linney: 20 Jan, 17 Feb, 16 March, 20 April, 18 May and 15 June at Mettingham VH £20 per session members, £25 non-members plus £5 towards hall hire. Maximum 8, Contact Mary Sprake 01986 892692 or [email protected] to book your place.
Sun 14 Feb – CHANGE OF DATE - a return of the popular Wire Work workshop with Jenny Goater. Contact Mary Sprake [email protected]. Come along for a fun day, it’s amazing what can be made out of the various types of wire Jenny brings along.
February – Drawing Competition with £100 prize!! The subject will be “Work or Play”. Submission fee £2 for members, £5 for non-members, closing date 6 February. Private view Fri 26th 6pm in St Mary’s when the winner will be announced and all entries will be displayed 27/28 February in St Mary’s, with the opportunity to sell them if you wish. You will have received information via email but the entry details are on the website (see end of Update for address). This is being led by Philip Evans who came up with the idea, is providing half the prize and will be one of the judges together with Ken Skipper and Mary Spicer.
Sun 6 March - Extreme Crochet with Kally Davidson, Mettingham VH. Beginners 10 – 12 £15. Intermediate 12.30 – 4.00 £25 or all day £35, non-members add £5 max 4 people each session. This is the first time we have offered this and it sounds intriguing. Contact Mary Sprake [email protected] if you are interested. Details from Kally:
Beginners crochet Basic techniques of crochet, different ways of holding your crochet hook and yarn, how to crochet chain, double and treble stitch and work in a row. (Happy to teach left handed if needed, though please inform me beforehand so I have time to practice, thanks) Beginners crochet; minimum 3/maximum 4 10-12pm £15 per person
Intermediate 3D crochet Discover the beginnings of sculptural crochet and working in the round, learn to increase and decrease your stiches. Make chain stitches to branch off your piece. Create slip stitches and include the use of double and treble to change the heights of your rows and start to really flow and freeform crochet in 3D. Intermediate 3D crochet; minimum 4/maximum 8 12.30-4.00pm £25 per person Or £35 per person if they do the whole day (therefore only 4 places available at £35 per day) Materials included in price, though you are welcome to bring your own, (please be aware that in order for you to see the stitches you are creating it is best to use a smooth non bobbly yarn.) A selection of crochet hooks sized 3-27mm will available for you to use, plus some Artisan hand carved hooks and Art yarns to buy.
May - Art on the Railings, St Mary’s Church – Garden Street Market Sunday 15 May.
July - Chicken Trail from 4th July around town (remember the dogs last year?) for two weeks leading up to the Garden Art Trail. If you would like to decorate a chicken (they will be a bit smaller than the dogs) please contact Terry [email protected]
July 16/17 Garden Art Trail – this year we hope all gardens will be in the centre of town. If you know of a tucked away garden please let Mary Sprake know [email protected]. The theme of chickens will carry on from the Trail into the GAT and there will be a competition for children to find hidden chickens within the gardens. Details to follow but as before you will be invited to submit work to show in the gardens, subject of your choice but we hope for many chicken themed related submissions.
November 2016 – our annual art exhibition in St Mary’s Church, 19 – 27 November (tbc)
Other potential workshops: Willow work/collage/indigo dying including shibori techniques/ watercolour/oil. Remember if you would like a specific subject, or if you could offer to tutor a workshop, please let us know and we will try to organise it.
[email protected]
BDA Media – we are on Facebook
For further BDA info or feedback please contact
Marlene Jervis, Chairman [email protected]
Terry Wright, Secretary [email protected]
November Update from Marlene
I started October’s Update hoping you were enjoying the Indian Summer, that seems aeons ago now we have proper winter weather. I have a large weeping willow in my garden and have branches all over the garden plus trillions of leaves but fortunately no damage.
We held the AGM on 25 Oct and following the brief formalities enjoyed tea and cakes. There is one change to the committee, Carol Weaver is taking a sabbatical and we are pleased to be joined by Elizabeth Ashton.
Our exhibition in St Mary’s finished on Sunday and we will have to wait to see how that compared to our last exhibition Easter 2014. I was on the final rota with Bill Titcombe and his lovely little dog Dorcas and I was pleasantly surprised to see how many people had come in the see the exhibits bearing in mind the weather. The two Saturdays and Thursday morning (market day) brought in most visitors. Many thanks to Karen and her team for organising this and of course to Humphrey, the man with the van.
Many of us had a very enjoyable lunch at the Fisher Theatre on Sun 18 Oct which was followed by an entertaining talk by Jean and Derek Baitley whose exhibition was on at that time. Thanks to them for rounding off the lunch in such an amusing way.
The screen printing workshop on 7/8 November with Jackie Linney went very well, in fact there is a proposal to hold a one day session every 3rd Wed of the month, 20 Jan, 17 Feb, 16 March, 20 April, 18 May and 15 June. There will be an opportunity for you to create your own garments!
So to remind you of what’s coming up:
Mondays am - Drop in sessions at Ann Woolston’s, 8 Woodland Drive, Bungay 10 – 12.
Mondays pm– Weekly Draw and Paint tutored sessions with Di McKenna at Mettingham VH. 2.00 – 4.30 and £10 per session. No need to book, just come along and bring whatever materials you want to work with. Last 2015 session is 7 December and will resume on 18 January. If you would like further info please contact us
Sat 12 Dec – Copper Foil Stained Glass with Ruth Mitchell, Mettingham VH 10 – 4. £15 members, £20 non members plus materials £18. There is one space left on this so please contact us if you would like to try something different.
Sun 13 Dec – Final Life Drawing class for 2015 at Mettingham Village Hall. Dates for 2016 are 17 Jan, 21 Feb, 20 March, 17 April, 15 May, 19 June, 19 July, 18 Sept, 16 Oct and 20 Nov, all 2016 classes at Fisher Theatre. Many thanks to Malcolm Cudmore for organising these. £10 for members, £15 non-members. Contact [email protected] 01986 893291 to book a place and confirm times - bring your own materials, drinks and lunch.
January Social – Jan is organising a trip to the Raveningham Centre for a meal and a talk by Mal Cannell about kilims.
Screen Printing with Jackie Linney: 20 Jan, 17 Feb, 16 March, 20 April, 18 May and 15 June at Mettingham VH £20 per session members, £25 non-members. Maximum 8, s
Sun 21 Feb – a return of the popular Wire Work workshop with Jenny Goater.
February – Drawing Competition with £100 prize!! The subject will be “The World of Work”. Submission fee £2 for members, £5 for non-members, closing date 6 February and all entries will be displayed over a weekend in St Mary’s later that month, with the opportunity to sell them if you wish. This is being led by Philip Evans who came up with the idea, is providing half the prize and will be one of the judges together with Ken Skipper and Mary Spicer. Maximum 3 entries, sent to Philip as .jpeg file, min 400dpi in gray scale and less than 2mb per entry. Submission label to include name of artist, title and medium used (remember this is a drawing competition). Don’t worry if you are not technical, the clever photographers on the committee are happy to help you out.
Sun 6 March - Extreme Crochet with Kally Davidson, Mettingham VH. Beginners 10 – 12 £15. Intermediate 12.30 – 4.00 £25 or all day £35, non-members add £5 max 4 people each session. This is the first time we have offered this and it sounds intriguing. :
Beginners crochet Basic techniques of crochet, different ways of holding your crochet hook and yarn, how to crochet chain, double and treble stitch and work in a row. (Happy to teach left handed if needed, though please inform me beforehand so I have time to practice, thanks) Beginners crochet; minimum 3/maximum 4 10-12pm £15 per person
Intermediate 3D crochet Discover the beginnings of sculptural crochet and working in the round, learn to increase and decrease your stiches. Make chain stitches to branch off your piece. Create slip stitches and include the use of double and treble to change the heights of your rows and start to really flow and freeform crochet in 3D. Intermediate 3D crochet; minimum 4/maximum 8 12.30-4.00pm £25 per person Or £35 per person if they do the whole day (therefore only 4 places available at £35 per day) Materials included in price, though you are welcome to bring your own, (please be aware that in order for you to see the stitches you are creating it is best to use a smooth non bobbly yarn.) A selection of crochet hooks sized 3-27mm will available for you to use, plus some Artisan hand carved hooks and Art yarns to buy.
May - Art on the Railings, St Mary’s Church - Street Market Sunday.
July - Chicken Trail around town (remember the dogs last year?) from 4 July for two weeks leading up to the Garden Art Trail. If you would like to decorate a chicken (they will be a bit smaller than the dogs) please contact us
July 16/17 Garden Art Trail - we would like to have a chicken related theme. So plenty of time to get inspired by Gallus gallus domesticus – just think outside the coop!!
If you would like us to organise any specific workshops please let me know
[email protected]
I started October’s Update hoping you were enjoying the Indian Summer, that seems aeons ago now we have proper winter weather. I have a large weeping willow in my garden and have branches all over the garden plus trillions of leaves but fortunately no damage.
We held the AGM on 25 Oct and following the brief formalities enjoyed tea and cakes. There is one change to the committee, Carol Weaver is taking a sabbatical and we are pleased to be joined by Elizabeth Ashton.
Our exhibition in St Mary’s finished on Sunday and we will have to wait to see how that compared to our last exhibition Easter 2014. I was on the final rota with Bill Titcombe and his lovely little dog Dorcas and I was pleasantly surprised to see how many people had come in the see the exhibits bearing in mind the weather. The two Saturdays and Thursday morning (market day) brought in most visitors. Many thanks to Karen and her team for organising this and of course to Humphrey, the man with the van.
Many of us had a very enjoyable lunch at the Fisher Theatre on Sun 18 Oct which was followed by an entertaining talk by Jean and Derek Baitley whose exhibition was on at that time. Thanks to them for rounding off the lunch in such an amusing way.
The screen printing workshop on 7/8 November with Jackie Linney went very well, in fact there is a proposal to hold a one day session every 3rd Wed of the month, 20 Jan, 17 Feb, 16 March, 20 April, 18 May and 15 June. There will be an opportunity for you to create your own garments!
So to remind you of what’s coming up:
Mondays am - Drop in sessions at Ann Woolston’s, 8 Woodland Drive, Bungay 10 – 12.
Mondays pm– Weekly Draw and Paint tutored sessions with Di McKenna at Mettingham VH. 2.00 – 4.30 and £10 per session. No need to book, just come along and bring whatever materials you want to work with. Last 2015 session is 7 December and will resume on 18 January. If you would like further info please contact us
Sat 12 Dec – Copper Foil Stained Glass with Ruth Mitchell, Mettingham VH 10 – 4. £15 members, £20 non members plus materials £18. There is one space left on this so please contact us if you would like to try something different.
Sun 13 Dec – Final Life Drawing class for 2015 at Mettingham Village Hall. Dates for 2016 are 17 Jan, 21 Feb, 20 March, 17 April, 15 May, 19 June, 19 July, 18 Sept, 16 Oct and 20 Nov, all 2016 classes at Fisher Theatre. Many thanks to Malcolm Cudmore for organising these. £10 for members, £15 non-members. Contact [email protected] 01986 893291 to book a place and confirm times - bring your own materials, drinks and lunch.
January Social – Jan is organising a trip to the Raveningham Centre for a meal and a talk by Mal Cannell about kilims.
Screen Printing with Jackie Linney: 20 Jan, 17 Feb, 16 March, 20 April, 18 May and 15 June at Mettingham VH £20 per session members, £25 non-members. Maximum 8, s
Sun 21 Feb – a return of the popular Wire Work workshop with Jenny Goater.
February – Drawing Competition with £100 prize!! The subject will be “The World of Work”. Submission fee £2 for members, £5 for non-members, closing date 6 February and all entries will be displayed over a weekend in St Mary’s later that month, with the opportunity to sell them if you wish. This is being led by Philip Evans who came up with the idea, is providing half the prize and will be one of the judges together with Ken Skipper and Mary Spicer. Maximum 3 entries, sent to Philip as .jpeg file, min 400dpi in gray scale and less than 2mb per entry. Submission label to include name of artist, title and medium used (remember this is a drawing competition). Don’t worry if you are not technical, the clever photographers on the committee are happy to help you out.
Sun 6 March - Extreme Crochet with Kally Davidson, Mettingham VH. Beginners 10 – 12 £15. Intermediate 12.30 – 4.00 £25 or all day £35, non-members add £5 max 4 people each session. This is the first time we have offered this and it sounds intriguing. :
Beginners crochet Basic techniques of crochet, different ways of holding your crochet hook and yarn, how to crochet chain, double and treble stitch and work in a row. (Happy to teach left handed if needed, though please inform me beforehand so I have time to practice, thanks) Beginners crochet; minimum 3/maximum 4 10-12pm £15 per person
Intermediate 3D crochet Discover the beginnings of sculptural crochet and working in the round, learn to increase and decrease your stiches. Make chain stitches to branch off your piece. Create slip stitches and include the use of double and treble to change the heights of your rows and start to really flow and freeform crochet in 3D. Intermediate 3D crochet; minimum 4/maximum 8 12.30-4.00pm £25 per person Or £35 per person if they do the whole day (therefore only 4 places available at £35 per day) Materials included in price, though you are welcome to bring your own, (please be aware that in order for you to see the stitches you are creating it is best to use a smooth non bobbly yarn.) A selection of crochet hooks sized 3-27mm will available for you to use, plus some Artisan hand carved hooks and Art yarns to buy.
May - Art on the Railings, St Mary’s Church - Street Market Sunday.
July - Chicken Trail around town (remember the dogs last year?) from 4 July for two weeks leading up to the Garden Art Trail. If you would like to decorate a chicken (they will be a bit smaller than the dogs) please contact us
July 16/17 Garden Art Trail - we would like to have a chicken related theme. So plenty of time to get inspired by Gallus gallus domesticus – just think outside the coop!!
If you would like us to organise any specific workshops please let me know
[email protected]
October Update
I hope you are enjoying this lovely Indian summer. Incidentally it does not refer to India, but the North American Indian plains.
2015/2016 diary so far:
Mondays am - from Ann Woolston " our drop in sessions are held every Monday at Folly Studio..8 Woodland Drive..Bungay ..overlooking the Waveney Valley with glorious views..members are very welcome to drop in between 10 and 12..and have a cup of coffee whilst catching up with artwork and seeing friends. A peaceful and unhurried time for yourself. Ann Woolston is your host. Every Monday until further notice"
Mondays pm– Weekly Draw and Paint tutored sessions with Di McKenna at Mettingham VH. 2.00 – 4.30 and £10 per session. No need to book, just come along and bring whatever materials you want to work with. Informal and very enjoyable sessions. Please note LIFE DRAWING session Monday 2 November at The Trinity Hospital Shotesham NR15 1XH 2 – 4.30 - approx £12. If you would like further info please contact Di - [email protected]
Sun 15 Nov – Second untutored Life Drawing class, next one 13 December please note these two will be at Mettingham Village Hall. Dates for 2016 are 17 Jan, 21 Feb, 20 March, 17 April, 15 May, 19 June, 19 July, 18 Sept, 16 Oct and 20 Nov, all 2016 classes at Fisher Theatre. Many thanks to Malcolm Cudmore for organising these. £10 for members, £15 non-members. Contact [email protected] 01986 893291 to book a place and confirm times - bring your own materials, drinks and lunch.
Sun 18 Oct Social – from Jan Hughes: “Lunch at the Fisher Theatre. The plan for October’s social is a Sunday lunch at the Fisher Theatre with a difference. You are invited to view Jean and Derek’s exhibition (if you were unable to make to their open evening) from 12.30 until 1.00 when lunch will be served in the Gallery.
The food I can guarantee will be freshly cooked for us by Jenny and her team. After lunch there will be a “bombe surprise”. A delicious morsel of Jean and Derek’s amusing anecdotes of being artists, not only in England but also in France. Please let me know your choice of menu before the 8th October. Look forward to seeing you for our first Autumn happening.
MENU : Starter: Smoked Mackerel Pate, served with Melba Toast.
Melon Medley ( Assorted Melon Balls tossed in Ginger Wine and garnished with Fresh Mint)
Main:TUSCAN CHICKEN. Chicken Fillet cooked in a Creamy Tomato and White Wine Sauce with Porcini Mushrooms. Served with New Potatoes, Buttered Courgette and Green Beans.
VEGETARIAN. Spinach, Ricotta and Mushroom Lasagne. Served with a Crisp Green Salad and Garlic Bread.
Starter and Main £12
(optional dessert) Homemade Crunchy Italian Ice Cream £2”
Numbers are limited so please reply to [email protected] or 01986 896033 (Jan H)
Sun 25 Oct - AGM at 3pm Mettingham VH. The meeting will hopefully be brief and will be followed by afternoon tea provided by the committee. If you would like to join the committee or would be willing to help out organising any activities please let me know. Elizabeth Ashton has kindly offered to join us. There will also be a Swap Shop of art and craft materials, so your chance to offload some of the stuff you will never use and replace it with, hopefully, something you will.
Sat 7th/Sun 8th Nov –One or two day Screen Printing with Jackie Linney. This was a very popular workshop last time so book early as numbers are limited. £20/25 per day – please bring cutting boards and scalpels if you have them. As Mary is in the process of moving please reply to
[email protected] 01986 892905 if you are interested and please state which day/s you want to book.
Sat 14 Nov – Sun 22 Nov – Open Exhibition in St Mary’s – Members Only. These are the actual exhibition dates, hanging will be the day before and collection the day after. Expression of Interest form attached. Any queries to [email protected]
Sun 21 Feb – a return of the popular Wire Work with Jenny Goater.
Kally Davidson – extreme crochet – tba
Art on the Railings, St Mary’s Church - May Street Market Sunday.
Chicken Trail around town (remember the dogs last year?) from 4 July for two weeks leading up to the Garden Art Trail. If you would like to decorate a chicken (they will be a bit smaller than the dogs) please contact Terry [email protected] 01986 894126
Garden Art Trail weekend 16/17 July - we would like to have a chicken related theme. So plenty of time to get inspired by Gallus gallus domesticus – just think outside the coop!!
I hope you are enjoying this lovely Indian summer. Incidentally it does not refer to India, but the North American Indian plains.
2015/2016 diary so far:
Mondays am - from Ann Woolston " our drop in sessions are held every Monday at Folly Studio..8 Woodland Drive..Bungay ..overlooking the Waveney Valley with glorious views..members are very welcome to drop in between 10 and 12..and have a cup of coffee whilst catching up with artwork and seeing friends. A peaceful and unhurried time for yourself. Ann Woolston is your host. Every Monday until further notice"
Mondays pm– Weekly Draw and Paint tutored sessions with Di McKenna at Mettingham VH. 2.00 – 4.30 and £10 per session. No need to book, just come along and bring whatever materials you want to work with. Informal and very enjoyable sessions. Please note LIFE DRAWING session Monday 2 November at The Trinity Hospital Shotesham NR15 1XH 2 – 4.30 - approx £12. If you would like further info please contact Di - [email protected]
Sun 15 Nov – Second untutored Life Drawing class, next one 13 December please note these two will be at Mettingham Village Hall. Dates for 2016 are 17 Jan, 21 Feb, 20 March, 17 April, 15 May, 19 June, 19 July, 18 Sept, 16 Oct and 20 Nov, all 2016 classes at Fisher Theatre. Many thanks to Malcolm Cudmore for organising these. £10 for members, £15 non-members. Contact [email protected] 01986 893291 to book a place and confirm times - bring your own materials, drinks and lunch.
Sun 18 Oct Social – from Jan Hughes: “Lunch at the Fisher Theatre. The plan for October’s social is a Sunday lunch at the Fisher Theatre with a difference. You are invited to view Jean and Derek’s exhibition (if you were unable to make to their open evening) from 12.30 until 1.00 when lunch will be served in the Gallery.
The food I can guarantee will be freshly cooked for us by Jenny and her team. After lunch there will be a “bombe surprise”. A delicious morsel of Jean and Derek’s amusing anecdotes of being artists, not only in England but also in France. Please let me know your choice of menu before the 8th October. Look forward to seeing you for our first Autumn happening.
MENU : Starter: Smoked Mackerel Pate, served with Melba Toast.
Melon Medley ( Assorted Melon Balls tossed in Ginger Wine and garnished with Fresh Mint)
Main:TUSCAN CHICKEN. Chicken Fillet cooked in a Creamy Tomato and White Wine Sauce with Porcini Mushrooms. Served with New Potatoes, Buttered Courgette and Green Beans.
VEGETARIAN. Spinach, Ricotta and Mushroom Lasagne. Served with a Crisp Green Salad and Garlic Bread.
Starter and Main £12
(optional dessert) Homemade Crunchy Italian Ice Cream £2”
Numbers are limited so please reply to [email protected] or 01986 896033 (Jan H)
Sun 25 Oct - AGM at 3pm Mettingham VH. The meeting will hopefully be brief and will be followed by afternoon tea provided by the committee. If you would like to join the committee or would be willing to help out organising any activities please let me know. Elizabeth Ashton has kindly offered to join us. There will also be a Swap Shop of art and craft materials, so your chance to offload some of the stuff you will never use and replace it with, hopefully, something you will.
Sat 7th/Sun 8th Nov –One or two day Screen Printing with Jackie Linney. This was a very popular workshop last time so book early as numbers are limited. £20/25 per day – please bring cutting boards and scalpels if you have them. As Mary is in the process of moving please reply to
[email protected] 01986 892905 if you are interested and please state which day/s you want to book.
Sat 14 Nov – Sun 22 Nov – Open Exhibition in St Mary’s – Members Only. These are the actual exhibition dates, hanging will be the day before and collection the day after. Expression of Interest form attached. Any queries to [email protected]
Sun 21 Feb – a return of the popular Wire Work with Jenny Goater.
Kally Davidson – extreme crochet – tba
Art on the Railings, St Mary’s Church - May Street Market Sunday.
Chicken Trail around town (remember the dogs last year?) from 4 July for two weeks leading up to the Garden Art Trail. If you would like to decorate a chicken (they will be a bit smaller than the dogs) please contact Terry [email protected] 01986 894126
Garden Art Trail weekend 16/17 July - we would like to have a chicken related theme. So plenty of time to get inspired by Gallus gallus domesticus – just think outside the coop!!
Update September 2015
Our diary for 2015/2016 is shaping up:
Mondays - from Ann Woolston " our drop in sessions are held every Monday at Folly Studio..8 Woodland Drive..Bungay ..overlooking the Waveney Valley with glorious views..members are very welcome to drop in between 10 and 12..and have a cup of coffee whilst catching up with artwork and seeing friends. A peaceful and unhurried time for yourself. Ann Woolston on 01986896016 is your host. Some holiday dates when drop in will not operate are 28th Sep. And 5th Oct. otherwise every Monday until further notice"
Mon Sept 21 – Start of the autumn weekly Draw and Paint tutored sessions with Di McKenna at Mettingham VH. 1.30 – 4.30 and £10 per session. No need to book, just come along and bring whatever materials you want to work with. Informal and very enjoyable sessions. During the summer there were outside excursions to the river Waveney and two trips to Maisebrook Farm Shop to draw/paint the animals.
Sun 4 Oct – First untutored Life Drawing class, other 2015 dates 15 November and 13 December please note these three will be at Mettingham Village Hall. Dates for 2016 are 17 Jan, 21 Feb, 20 March, 17 April, 15 May, 19 June, 19 July, 18 Sept, 16 Oct and 20 Nov, all 2016 classes at Fisher Theatre. Many thanks to Malcolm Cudmore for organising these. £10 for members, £15 non-members. Contact [email protected] 01986 893291 to book a place and confirm times - bring your own materials, drinks and lunch.
Sat 10/Sun 11 October – BDA will be joining in the Waveney Food & Drink Festival at Bungay Castle where we will invite people to decorate ‘Edible Art’. If you are a dab hand at baking we would welcome any contributions, either sweet or savoury which would be suitable to decorate.Details will be circulated a bit nearer the time.
Sun 18 Oct Social – lunch in the refurbished cellar at Fisher Theatre. Full details will follow but numbers are limited so please reply to [email protected] or 01986 896033 (Jan H)
Our first social kicked off with a very pleasant evening meal at Every Day’s a Picnic, followed by a picnic in Georgina’s garden last Friday. Thanks to Jan Hughes for organising these.
Sun 25 Oct - AGM at 3pm Mettingham VH. The meeting will hopefully be brief and will be followed by afternoon tea provided by the committee. If you would like to join the committee or would be willing to help out organising any activities please let me know. Elizabeth Ashton has kindly offered to join us. There will also be a Swop Shop of art and craft materials, so your chance to offload some of the stuff you will never use and replace it with, hopefully, something you will.
Sat 14 Nov – Sun 22 Nov – Open Exhibition in St Mary’s. These are the actual exhibition dates, hanging will be the day before and collection the day after. Details will follow, but any queries to [email protected]
Nov – date tba – the return of Jackie Linney for a Screen Printing Weekend
Art on the Railings, St Mary’s Church - May Street Market Sunday.
Chicken Trail around town (remember the dogs last year?) from 4 July for two weeks leading up to the Garden Art Trail. If you would like to decorate a chicken (they will be a bit smaller than the dogs) please contact Terry [email protected] 01986 894126
Garden Art Trail weekend 16/17 July - we would like to have a chicken related theme. So plenty of time to get inspired by Gallus gallus domesticus – just think outside the coop!!
Workshops - suggested workshops are collage/wire sculpture/screen printing/linocuts or block printing/willow/textile pictures/stained glass/egg decoration/metal work (to be researched) and organic crochet – more info when dates have been fixed.
If you would like us to organise any specific workshops please let me know
[email protected]
Mondays - from Ann Woolston " our drop in sessions are held every Monday at Folly Studio..8 Woodland Drive..Bungay ..overlooking the Waveney Valley with glorious views..members are very welcome to drop in between 10 and 12..and have a cup of coffee whilst catching up with artwork and seeing friends. A peaceful and unhurried time for yourself. Ann Woolston on 01986896016 is your host. Some holiday dates when drop in will not operate are 28th Sep. And 5th Oct. otherwise every Monday until further notice"
Mon Sept 21 – Start of the autumn weekly Draw and Paint tutored sessions with Di McKenna at Mettingham VH. 1.30 – 4.30 and £10 per session. No need to book, just come along and bring whatever materials you want to work with. Informal and very enjoyable sessions. During the summer there were outside excursions to the river Waveney and two trips to Maisebrook Farm Shop to draw/paint the animals.
Sun 4 Oct – First untutored Life Drawing class, other 2015 dates 15 November and 13 December please note these three will be at Mettingham Village Hall. Dates for 2016 are 17 Jan, 21 Feb, 20 March, 17 April, 15 May, 19 June, 19 July, 18 Sept, 16 Oct and 20 Nov, all 2016 classes at Fisher Theatre. Many thanks to Malcolm Cudmore for organising these. £10 for members, £15 non-members. Contact [email protected] 01986 893291 to book a place and confirm times - bring your own materials, drinks and lunch.
Sat 10/Sun 11 October – BDA will be joining in the Waveney Food & Drink Festival at Bungay Castle where we will invite people to decorate ‘Edible Art’. If you are a dab hand at baking we would welcome any contributions, either sweet or savoury which would be suitable to decorate.Details will be circulated a bit nearer the time.
Sun 18 Oct Social – lunch in the refurbished cellar at Fisher Theatre. Full details will follow but numbers are limited so please reply to [email protected] or 01986 896033 (Jan H)
Our first social kicked off with a very pleasant evening meal at Every Day’s a Picnic, followed by a picnic in Georgina’s garden last Friday. Thanks to Jan Hughes for organising these.
Sun 25 Oct - AGM at 3pm Mettingham VH. The meeting will hopefully be brief and will be followed by afternoon tea provided by the committee. If you would like to join the committee or would be willing to help out organising any activities please let me know. Elizabeth Ashton has kindly offered to join us. There will also be a Swop Shop of art and craft materials, so your chance to offload some of the stuff you will never use and replace it with, hopefully, something you will.
Sat 14 Nov – Sun 22 Nov – Open Exhibition in St Mary’s. These are the actual exhibition dates, hanging will be the day before and collection the day after. Details will follow, but any queries to [email protected]
Nov – date tba – the return of Jackie Linney for a Screen Printing Weekend
Art on the Railings, St Mary’s Church - May Street Market Sunday.
Chicken Trail around town (remember the dogs last year?) from 4 July for two weeks leading up to the Garden Art Trail. If you would like to decorate a chicken (they will be a bit smaller than the dogs) please contact Terry [email protected] 01986 894126
Garden Art Trail weekend 16/17 July - we would like to have a chicken related theme. So plenty of time to get inspired by Gallus gallus domesticus – just think outside the coop!!
Workshops - suggested workshops are collage/wire sculpture/screen printing/linocuts or block printing/willow/textile pictures/stained glass/egg decoration/metal work (to be researched) and organic crochet – more info when dates have been fixed.
If you would like us to organise any specific workshops please let me know
[email protected]
Some date changes – see below in red
Draw and Paint with Di McKenna – Di is continuing for the next few weeks the drop in sessions at Mettingham Village Hall, Mondays 1.30 – 4.30, charge £10. These are not structured lessons but a chance for you to either experiment with something new or stick to your preferred medium. Please bring your own materials.
Sat 20 June - Rag Rugs with Liz Shakleton - Mettingham VH - charge £25 members £30 non-members – this will include all materials and you can hire a frame. To book your place on this workshop please contact Mary Sprake 01986 893550 or [email protected]m
Sun 12 July ‘Exhibition on the Railings’ of St Mary’s Church. Charge will be £5 per metre, you will be responsible for hanging your work and we suggest you team up with another artist to cover your sales. Philip Evans is leading this so please contact him on 01986 895113.
Thur 23th July, as part of Bungay Festival, BDA will have an ‘Activities Day’ in the marquee on the castle bailey from 10 – 3. Although not an opportunity for you to promote your own work this is a chance for you to enthuse others to try your particular ‘thing’. If you would like to take part please let me know 01986 892905 or [email protected]. BDA will reimburse your expenses for materials used. There will be an electricity supply should anyone require it, please let me know.
Sun 26 July – Life Drawing - last one this summer - [email protected] 01986 893291 – to book a place - bring your own materials £10 members/£15 non- members – Fisher Theatre
Wed 29 July Reed Pen Cutting and mixed media drawing with Jason Bowyer –
Walberswick 10 – 4. Max number 12, £20 members/£30 non-members. In preparation Jason suggests that you look at the reed pen drawings of Van Gogh and Rembrandt. Also look at the mixed media work of Henry Moore, Graham Sutherland and John Piper. Jason will supply Chinese non-waterproof ink, cut reeds –dried reeds have different qualities to fresh cut ones. You will need A Stanley knife or similar, paper 90lb wt recommended, sturdy waterproof boots if you plan to cut your own reeds, variety of media such as pastels , watercolour, inks, variety of brushes, pens etc, easel or drawing board, seat - optional.
To book your place on this workshop please contact Mary Sprake 01986 893550 or [email protected]m
Sat 14 Nov – Sun 22 Nov – Open Exhibition in St Mary’s. These are the actual exhibition dates, hanging will be the day before and collection the day after. We have changed the date to enable Karen to lead this exhibition. Details will follow, but any queries to [email protected]
[email protected]
BDA Media – we are on Facebook
For further BDA info or feedback please contact
Marlene Jervis, Chairman [email protected] 01986 892905
Terry Wright, Secretary [email protected] 01986 894126
Draw and Paint with Di McKenna – Di is continuing for the next few weeks the drop in sessions at Mettingham Village Hall, Mondays 1.30 – 4.30, charge £10. These are not structured lessons but a chance for you to either experiment with something new or stick to your preferred medium. Please bring your own materials.
Sat 20 June - Rag Rugs with Liz Shakleton - Mettingham VH - charge £25 members £30 non-members – this will include all materials and you can hire a frame. To book your place on this workshop please contact Mary Sprake 01986 893550 or [email protected]m
Sun 12 July ‘Exhibition on the Railings’ of St Mary’s Church. Charge will be £5 per metre, you will be responsible for hanging your work and we suggest you team up with another artist to cover your sales. Philip Evans is leading this so please contact him on 01986 895113.
Thur 23th July, as part of Bungay Festival, BDA will have an ‘Activities Day’ in the marquee on the castle bailey from 10 – 3. Although not an opportunity for you to promote your own work this is a chance for you to enthuse others to try your particular ‘thing’. If you would like to take part please let me know 01986 892905 or [email protected]. BDA will reimburse your expenses for materials used. There will be an electricity supply should anyone require it, please let me know.
Sun 26 July – Life Drawing - last one this summer - [email protected] 01986 893291 – to book a place - bring your own materials £10 members/£15 non- members – Fisher Theatre
Wed 29 July Reed Pen Cutting and mixed media drawing with Jason Bowyer –
Walberswick 10 – 4. Max number 12, £20 members/£30 non-members. In preparation Jason suggests that you look at the reed pen drawings of Van Gogh and Rembrandt. Also look at the mixed media work of Henry Moore, Graham Sutherland and John Piper. Jason will supply Chinese non-waterproof ink, cut reeds –dried reeds have different qualities to fresh cut ones. You will need A Stanley knife or similar, paper 90lb wt recommended, sturdy waterproof boots if you plan to cut your own reeds, variety of media such as pastels , watercolour, inks, variety of brushes, pens etc, easel or drawing board, seat - optional.
To book your place on this workshop please contact Mary Sprake 01986 893550 or [email protected]m
Sat 14 Nov – Sun 22 Nov – Open Exhibition in St Mary’s. These are the actual exhibition dates, hanging will be the day before and collection the day after. We have changed the date to enable Karen to lead this exhibition. Details will follow, but any queries to [email protected]
[email protected]
BDA Media – we are on Facebook
For further BDA info or feedback please contact
Marlene Jervis, Chairman [email protected] 01986 892905
Terry Wright, Secretary [email protected] 01986 894126
Update June 2015
Apologies for not producing a March Update but I had a family bereavement.
Those who attended the Wire Work workshop had another excellent day with Jenny Goater, it really is good fun and of course something a bit different.
Draw and Paint with Di McKenna – We have another two sessions booked for Mon 20th and 27th April at Mettingham Village Hall from 2 – 4 @ £5. As this drop in session is proving popular Di has agreed to the additional dates Mon 11th and 18th May and all Mondays in June, ending on the 29th.with an extended time 1.30 – 4.30 @ £10 You do not need to attend every session and they are informal, just bring along all you need to draw and paint. Please let Mary know if you are interested. Mary Sprake 01986 893550 or [email protected]
Rag Rugs with Liz Shakleton has been rescheduled for Saturday 20th June, times tbc. It will be at Mettingham VH- charge £25 members £30 non-members – this will include all materials and you can hire a frame. To book your place on this workshop please contact Mary Sprake 01986 893550 or [email protected]
Unfortunately there was not enough interest for the Procion dying session.
Garden Street Market 17th May – BDA will have a pitch to exhibit smaller pieces of your work. Please see separate information sheet.
Sun 12 July ‘Exhibition on the Railings’ of St Mary’s Church. This is a new idea for BDA to be held on the Antiques Street Market day. There will be limited space for small size exhibits. Further information will follow when the committee have finalised the details, but please bear this in mind if you are producing new work.
Fri 24th July, as part of Bungay Festival, BDA will have an ‘Activities Day’ in the marquee on the castle bailey from 10 – 3. Although not an opportunity for you to promote your own work this is a chance for you to enthuse others to try your particular ‘thing’. If you would like to take part please let me know 01986 892905 or [email protected]. BDA will reimburse your expenses for materials used. There will be an electricity supply should anyone require it, please let me know.
Summer workshop day – Jason Bowyer NEAC RP PS ( has offered us a day of making and using reed pens in Walberswick. Jason comes from the well-known Bowyer family of artists. Some of you may recall a watercolour workshop we had with his brother Francis, also in Walberswick, where the family spend much of the summer. Details to follow.
Sat 26 Sept – Sun 4 Oct – Open Exhibition in St Mary’s. These are the actual exhibition dates, hanging will be the day before and collection the day after. Again further information will be available as and when we formalise the arrangements.
This exhibition involves a lot of work and unfortunately Karen is unable to lead this event. If any members would like to take on this role we would be most grateful. You would of course have support from the committee. 01986 892905 or [email protected]
2015 Life Drawing dates: 3rd May 7th June 27th July
[email protected] 01986 893291 – to book a place - bring your own materials £10 members/£15 non- members – Fisher Theatre
[email protected]
BDA Media – we are on Facebook
For further BDA info or feedback please contact
Marlene Jervis, Chairman [email protected] 01986 892905
Terry Wright, Secretary [email protected] 01986 894126
Those who attended the Wire Work workshop had another excellent day with Jenny Goater, it really is good fun and of course something a bit different.
Draw and Paint with Di McKenna – We have another two sessions booked for Mon 20th and 27th April at Mettingham Village Hall from 2 – 4 @ £5. As this drop in session is proving popular Di has agreed to the additional dates Mon 11th and 18th May and all Mondays in June, ending on the 29th.with an extended time 1.30 – 4.30 @ £10 You do not need to attend every session and they are informal, just bring along all you need to draw and paint. Please let Mary know if you are interested. Mary Sprake 01986 893550 or [email protected]
Rag Rugs with Liz Shakleton has been rescheduled for Saturday 20th June, times tbc. It will be at Mettingham VH- charge £25 members £30 non-members – this will include all materials and you can hire a frame. To book your place on this workshop please contact Mary Sprake 01986 893550 or [email protected]
Unfortunately there was not enough interest for the Procion dying session.
Garden Street Market 17th May – BDA will have a pitch to exhibit smaller pieces of your work. Please see separate information sheet.
Sun 12 July ‘Exhibition on the Railings’ of St Mary’s Church. This is a new idea for BDA to be held on the Antiques Street Market day. There will be limited space for small size exhibits. Further information will follow when the committee have finalised the details, but please bear this in mind if you are producing new work.
Fri 24th July, as part of Bungay Festival, BDA will have an ‘Activities Day’ in the marquee on the castle bailey from 10 – 3. Although not an opportunity for you to promote your own work this is a chance for you to enthuse others to try your particular ‘thing’. If you would like to take part please let me know 01986 892905 or [email protected]. BDA will reimburse your expenses for materials used. There will be an electricity supply should anyone require it, please let me know.
Summer workshop day – Jason Bowyer NEAC RP PS ( has offered us a day of making and using reed pens in Walberswick. Jason comes from the well-known Bowyer family of artists. Some of you may recall a watercolour workshop we had with his brother Francis, also in Walberswick, where the family spend much of the summer. Details to follow.
Sat 26 Sept – Sun 4 Oct – Open Exhibition in St Mary’s. These are the actual exhibition dates, hanging will be the day before and collection the day after. Again further information will be available as and when we formalise the arrangements.
This exhibition involves a lot of work and unfortunately Karen is unable to lead this event. If any members would like to take on this role we would be most grateful. You would of course have support from the committee. 01986 892905 or [email protected]
2015 Life Drawing dates: 3rd May 7th June 27th July
[email protected] 01986 893291 – to book a place - bring your own materials £10 members/£15 non- members – Fisher Theatre
[email protected]
BDA Media – we are on Facebook
For further BDA info or feedback please contact
Marlene Jervis, Chairman [email protected] 01986 892905
Terry Wright, Secretary [email protected] 01986 894126
Update April 2015

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The Easter Exhibition sold over £1,300 of work.
Many thanks to Karen and her team for a very successful event.
Tue 6 May Outdoor session at the Staithe led by Malcolm Cudmore.
6.30 – 9, bring all you need including a seat. If wet meet at the Green Dragon.
Sun18 May Life Drawing, Fisher Theatre
Sorry but this has been cancelled – Malcolm has informed his life drawing group
Mon 2 June Outdoor session – 6.30 – 9.00 St Mary’s Church. Plenty of scope with various architectural styles in and around the churchyard. Bring all you need. If wet meet in the Green Dragon
Sun 15 June Life Drawing, Auditorium Fisher Theatre
[email protected] 01986 893291 – to book a place - bring your own materials £10 members/£15 non members
Mon 7 July Outdoor session – 6.30 -9.00 The Allotments, Flixton Road. This will be one of our Garden Art Trail venues. If wet meet at Green Dragon.
19 & 20 July Garden Art Trail – we have the gardens so all we need is good weather and your exhibits. Please let Mary Sprake know if you would like to sketch in any of the gardens prior to the GAT weekend and also if you will be exhibiting. [email protected] 01986 893550
27 Sept Watercolour with John Tookey £20/30. To book [email protected] 01986 892905
11 Oct Miniature Book Making with Barbara Russ
Note from Malcolm about life drawing:
14th September (I can't be present at this session and will be looking for an organiser for the poses on the day)
12th October
30th November
18th January
15th February
15th March
3rd May
7th June
27th July
We are negotiating for another screen printing workshop with Jackie Linney plus stained glass and working with woad. We hope to organise some sessions where an artist talks about their work and also produces a piece of work. If you would like to lead one of these please let Marlene know.
Autumn We are discussing having a ‘Bungay Art Trail’
Winter BDA has been offered tables in the Fisher Theatre Gallery for the Craft Fair on Street Market Sunday (date tbc). This will be for crafts and small pieces of art work.
www. [email protected]
BDA Media – we are on Facebook, there is a Blog page on the Website
Remember your work can be shown on the Website or we can link to your own site – contact [email protected]; [email protected]
For further BDA info or feedback please contact
Marlene Jervis, Chairman [email protected] 01986 892905
Terry Wright, Secretary [email protected] 01986 894126
Karen Leah, Membership Secretary [email protected] 01986 892599
Our Easter Exhibition has now finished and was very successful. Thanks to all exhibitors and everyone who came along.
Those who took part in the Transfer Printing w/s had a very enjoyable day and some excellent work was produced.
Dates for your diary -
Tue 6 May Outdoor session at the Staithe led by Malcolm Cudmore.
7 – 9, bring all you need including a seat. If wet meet at the Green Dragon. For further info contact Malcolm (details below)
18 May Life Drawing, Gallery, Fisher Theatre
[email protected] 01986 893291 – to book a place - bring your own materials £10 members/£15 non members
Mon 2 June Outdoor session – venue tba
Sun 15 June Life Drawing, Auditorium Fisher Theatre
[email protected] 01986 893291 – to book a place - bring your own materials £10 members/£15 non members
Mon 7 July Outdoor session – The Allotments, Flixton Road. This will be one of our Garden Art Trail venues.
19 & 20 July Garden Art Trail – we have the gardens so all we need is good weather and your exhibits. Details to follow.
27 Sept Watercolour with John Tookey £20/30. Details to follow. To book [email protected] 01986 892905
11 Oct Miniature Book Making with Barbara Russ
Autumn We are discussing having a ‘Bungay Art Trail’
Winter BDA has been offered tables in the Fisher Theatre Gallery for the Craft Fair on Street Market Sunday (date tbc). This will be for crafts and small pieces of art work.
www. [email protected]
BDA Media – we are on Facebook, there is a Blog page on the Website
Remember your work can be shown on the Website or we can link to your own site – contact [email protected]; [email protected]
For further BDA info or feedback please contact
Marlene Jervis, Chairman [email protected] 01986 892905
Terry Wright, Secretary [email protected] 01986 894126
Karen Leah, Membership Secretary [email protected] 01986 892599
Those who took part in the Transfer Printing w/s had a very enjoyable day and some excellent work was produced.
Dates for your diary -
Tue 6 May Outdoor session at the Staithe led by Malcolm Cudmore.
7 – 9, bring all you need including a seat. If wet meet at the Green Dragon. For further info contact Malcolm (details below)
18 May Life Drawing, Gallery, Fisher Theatre
[email protected] 01986 893291 – to book a place - bring your own materials £10 members/£15 non members
Mon 2 June Outdoor session – venue tba
Sun 15 June Life Drawing, Auditorium Fisher Theatre
[email protected] 01986 893291 – to book a place - bring your own materials £10 members/£15 non members
Mon 7 July Outdoor session – The Allotments, Flixton Road. This will be one of our Garden Art Trail venues.
19 & 20 July Garden Art Trail – we have the gardens so all we need is good weather and your exhibits. Details to follow.
27 Sept Watercolour with John Tookey £20/30. Details to follow. To book [email protected] 01986 892905
11 Oct Miniature Book Making with Barbara Russ
Autumn We are discussing having a ‘Bungay Art Trail’
Winter BDA has been offered tables in the Fisher Theatre Gallery for the Craft Fair on Street Market Sunday (date tbc). This will be for crafts and small pieces of art work.
www. [email protected]
BDA Media – we are on Facebook, there is a Blog page on the Website
Remember your work can be shown on the Website or we can link to your own site – contact [email protected]; [email protected]
For further BDA info or feedback please contact
Marlene Jervis, Chairman [email protected] 01986 892905
Terry Wright, Secretary [email protected] 01986 894126
Karen Leah, Membership Secretary [email protected] 01986 892599
Dates for your Diary
Please note dates for new outdoor sessions instead of social in Green Dragon
Sun 16 Mar Life Drawing, Auditorium Fisher Theatre
[email protected] 01986 893291 – to book a place - bring your own materials £10 members/£15 non members
Mon 17 March Drop in Session 10 – 12 at Ann Woolston’s house, 8 Woodland Drive, Bungay [email protected]
Sat 22 March Lino Cut with Sally Hirst 10 - 4.00 Mettingham Village Hall 10 - 4.00 £10 members/£15 non-members. This w/s is full
Mon 24 March Drop in Session 10 – 12 at Ann Woolston’s house, 8 Woodland Drive, Bungay [email protected]
Mon 31 March Drop in Session 10 – 12 at Ann Woolston’s house, 8 Woodland Drive, Bungay [email protected]
Tue 1 April Outdoor session (7 – 9) – Caroline Norton’s garden - meet by castle towers 7pm. No charge but you must bring all your own materials and seat.
Mon 7 April NEW Transfer Printing – this will be tutored by our own members and the process uses Plextol . 10 – 4 Mettingham VH. £10 members, £15 non members. .To book [email protected] 01986 892905
Mon 7 April Drop in Session 10 – 12 at Ann Woolston’s house, 8 Woodland Drive, Bungay [email protected]
Mon 14 April Drop in Session 10 – 12 at Ann Woolston’s house, 8 Woodland Drive, Bungay [email protected]
12 – 21 April Open exhibition in St Mary’s Church.
Membership form and Expression of Interest attached. Please check with Karen [email protected] if you are unsure if you are a member
Tue 6 May Outdoor session
18 May Life Drawing, Auditorium Fisher Theatre
[email protected] 01986 893291 – to book a place - bring your own materials £10 members/£15 non members
Mon 2 June Outdoor session
Sun 15 June Life Drawing, Auditorium Fisher Theatre
[email protected] 01986 893291 – to book a place - bring your own materials £10 members/£15 non members
Mon 7 July Outdoor session
19 & 20 July Garden Art Trail – we have the gardens so all we need is good weather and your exhibits. Details to follow.
27 Sept NEW Watercolour with John Tookey £20/30. Details to follow. To book [email protected] 01986 892905
Autumn We are discussing having a ‘Bungay Art Trail’
Winter BDA has been offered tables in the Fisher Theatre Gallery for the Craft Fair on Street Market Sunday (date tbc). This will be for crafts and small pieces of art work.
www. [email protected]
BDA Media – we are on Facebook, there is a Blog page on the Website
Remember your work can be shown on the Website or we can link to your own site – contact [email protected]; [email protected]
For further BDA info or feedback please contact
Marlene Jervis, Chairman [email protected] 01986 892905
Terry Wright, Secretary [email protected] 01986 894126
Karen Leah, Membership Secretary [email protected] 01986 892599
January 2014 Update
Mon 6 Jan Felting Workshop – Georgina, a committee member, will offer this workshop 10 – 4 at Mettingham VH. All materials will be supplied and it is great fun, very therapeutic! 10 - 4.00 £10 members/£15 non-members.[email protected] or 892905 to book a place. The possibilities are endless.
Tue 7 Jan Social, Green Dragon 7.30 - Masterpieces: Art and East Anglia - we are fortunate to have Sainsbury Centre guides as members who will talk about this current exhibition and bring their copies of the catalogue. Not to be missed.
Sun 12 Jan Life Drawing, Auditorium Fisher Theatre time tbc
[email protected] 01986 893291 – to book a place - bring your own materials £10 members/£15 non members
Sat 8 Feb Pastels workshop with John Tookey (member of The Pastel Society) 10 - 4.00 Mettingham VH. £20 members/£30 non-members. One place left To book[email protected] or 892905.
Sun 16 Feb Life Drawing, Auditorium Fisher Theatre time tbc
[email protected] 01986 893291 – to book a place - bring your own materials £10 members/£15 non members
Sun 16 Mar Life Drawing, Auditorium Fisher Theatre time tbc
[email protected] 01986 893291 – to book a place - bring your own materials £10 members/£15 non members
Sat 22 March Lino Cut with Sally Hirst 10 - 4.00 Mettingham Village Hall 10 - 4.00 £10 members/£15 non-members. [email protected] or 892905 to book a place.
Tue 7 Jan Social, Green Dragon 7.30 - Masterpieces: Art and East Anglia - we are fortunate to have Sainsbury Centre guides as members who will talk about this current exhibition and bring their copies of the catalogue. Not to be missed.
Sun 12 Jan Life Drawing, Auditorium Fisher Theatre time tbc
[email protected] 01986 893291 – to book a place - bring your own materials £10 members/£15 non members
Sat 8 Feb Pastels workshop with John Tookey (member of The Pastel Society) 10 - 4.00 Mettingham VH. £20 members/£30 non-members. One place left To book[email protected] or 892905.
Sun 16 Feb Life Drawing, Auditorium Fisher Theatre time tbc
[email protected] 01986 893291 – to book a place - bring your own materials £10 members/£15 non members
Sun 16 Mar Life Drawing, Auditorium Fisher Theatre time tbc
[email protected] 01986 893291 – to book a place - bring your own materials £10 members/£15 non members
Sat 22 March Lino Cut with Sally Hirst 10 - 4.00 Mettingham Village Hall 10 - 4.00 £10 members/£15 non-members. [email protected] or 892905 to book a place.
Mon 4 Nov Drop in Session thanks to Margaret Sheppard at her house 22 Quaves Lane, Bungay 10 - 12
Tue 5 Nov Social, Green Dragon 7.30.
Lindsay will show some simple card making techniques. She will bring the materials and a donation towards cost would be appreciated. If you prefer to sit and chat that’s fine.
Mon 11 Nov Drop in Session thanks to Margaret Sheppard at her house 22 Quaves Lane, Bungay 10 - 12
Sat 16 Nov Wire and Beadwork Workshop with Jill Arnold
Mettingham Village Hall 10 - 4.00 £10 members/£15 non-members. [email protected] or 892905 to book a place.
Sun 17 Nov Life Drawing, Auditorium Fisher Theatre 10 - 2.
[email protected] 01986 893291 – to book a place-bring your own materials £10 members/£15 non members
Mon 18 Nov Drop in Session thanks to Margaret Sheppard at her house 22 Quaves Lane, Bungay 10 – 12
Mon 25 Nov Drop in Session thanks to Margaret Sheppard at her house 22 Quaves Lane, Bungay 10 - 12
Tue 3 Dec Christmas Social, Green Dragon 7.30
Free buffet but buy your own drinks, alcoholic or otherwise. A chance for members to have their say about what they want from BDA in 2014 or just catch up with other members.
Tue 7 Jan Social, Green Dragon 7.30 Topic tbc
Sun 12 Jan Life Drawing, Auditorium Fisher Theatre time tbc
[email protected] 01986 893291 – to book a place - bring your own materials £10 members/£15 non members
Sat 8 Feb Pastels workshop with John Tookey (member of The Pastel Society) 10 - 4.00 Mettingham VH. £20 members/£30 non-members. To book [email protected] or 892905.
Sun 16 Feb Life Drawing, Auditorium Fisher Theatre time tbc
[email protected] 01986 893291 – to book a place - bring your own materials £10 members/£15 non members
Sun 16 Mar Life Drawing, Auditorium Fisher Theatre time tbc
[email protected] 01986 893291 – to book a place - bring your own materials £10 members/£15 non members
Sat 22 March Lino Cut with Sally Hirst 10 - 4.00 Mettingham Village Hall 10 - 4.00 £10 members/£15 non-members. [email protected] or 892905 to book a place.
http://www. [email protected]
BDA Media – we are on Facebook, there is a Blog page on the Website
Remember your work can be shown on the Website or we can link to your own site – contact [email protected]; [email protected]
For further BDA info or feedback please contact
Marlene Jervis, Chairman [email protected] 01986 892905
Terry Wright, Secretary [email protected] 01986 894126
Karen Leah, Membership Secretary [email protected] 01986 892599
Mon 4 Nov Drop in Session thanks to Margaret Sheppard at her house 22 Quaves Lane, Bungay 10 - 12
Tue 5 Nov Social, Green Dragon 7.30.
Lindsay will show some simple card making techniques. She will bring the materials and a donation towards cost would be appreciated. If you prefer to sit and chat that’s fine.
Mon 11 Nov Drop in Session thanks to Margaret Sheppard at her house 22 Quaves Lane, Bungay 10 - 12
Sat 16 Nov Wire and Beadwork Workshop with Jill Arnold
Mettingham Village Hall 10 - 4.00 £10 members/£15 non-members. [email protected] or 892905 to book a place.
Sun 17 Nov Life Drawing, Auditorium Fisher Theatre 10 - 2.
[email protected] 01986 893291 – to book a place-bring your own materials £10 members/£15 non members
Mon 18 Nov Drop in Session thanks to Margaret Sheppard at her house 22 Quaves Lane, Bungay 10 – 12
Mon 25 Nov Drop in Session thanks to Margaret Sheppard at her house 22 Quaves Lane, Bungay 10 - 12
Tue 3 Dec Christmas Social, Green Dragon 7.30
Free buffet but buy your own drinks, alcoholic or otherwise. A chance for members to have their say about what they want from BDA in 2014 or just catch up with other members.
Tue 7 Jan Social, Green Dragon 7.30 Topic tbc
Sun 12 Jan Life Drawing, Auditorium Fisher Theatre time tbc
[email protected] 01986 893291 – to book a place - bring your own materials £10 members/£15 non members
Sat 8 Feb Pastels workshop with John Tookey (member of The Pastel Society) 10 - 4.00 Mettingham VH. £20 members/£30 non-members. To book [email protected] or 892905.
Sun 16 Feb Life Drawing, Auditorium Fisher Theatre time tbc
[email protected] 01986 893291 – to book a place - bring your own materials £10 members/£15 non members
Sun 16 Mar Life Drawing, Auditorium Fisher Theatre time tbc
[email protected] 01986 893291 – to book a place - bring your own materials £10 members/£15 non members
Sat 22 March Lino Cut with Sally Hirst 10 - 4.00 Mettingham Village Hall 10 - 4.00 £10 members/£15 non-members. [email protected] or 892905 to book a place.
http://www. [email protected]
BDA Media – we are on Facebook, there is a Blog page on the Website
Remember your work can be shown on the Website or we can link to your own site – contact [email protected]; [email protected]
For further BDA info or feedback please contact
Marlene Jervis, Chairman [email protected] 01986 892905
Terry Wright, Secretary [email protected] 01986 894126
Karen Leah, Membership Secretary [email protected] 01986 892599
15, 29 July 10 – 12
8 July 7 – 9
Margaret is organising these – any queries contact her on 01986 892907 or [email protected]
Please note if the front door is not open enter via the rear door
Garden Art Trail 20/21 July
– 9 gardens this year – no hanging fee just 10% commission - if you are interested in showing your work please contact Mary Sprake (details below)
Fisher Theatre 1 – 29 October
To include the Bungay Project work plus other exhibits
Further details will follow but get drawing/painting/crafting now!
Untutored Life Drawing 28 July, 15 Sept, 20 Oct, 17 Nov Fisher Theatre 11 – 3.30
Contact Malcolm Cudmore [email protected] 01986 893291 – to book a place - bring your own materials £10 per session for members - £15 non members
Watercolour with Francis Bowyer – Thur 8 August – 10 – 4 - Walberswick Fisherman’s hut as base – Blythburgh Church if wet and cannot get outside – 12 max. £20 members, £30 non-members. Francis is past President of the Royal W/C Society, founder member of New English Art and teaches at the Royal Academy Schools. Thanks to Terry he has agreed to do this workshop for us while on holiday – a coup for BDA!! Check out his website.
Drawing with Stitch – 28 September Hannelore Baxter – 10 – 4 Mettingham VH £10 members ,£15 non-members
Screenprinting –27TH NOT 19 Oct - Jackie Linney – 10 – 4 Mettingham VH making and using hand cut stencils, £10 members, £15 non-members
Beadwork –16 November (tbc) – Jill Arnold - Mettingham VH
Pastels – 8 Feb – John Tookey Mettingham VH - £20 members, £30 non-members. John provided a very successful w/s for us before. He is a member of the Pastel Society – check out his website.
Contact Marlene (details below) to book any of these workshops – remember some are limited
[email protected]
BDA Media – we are on Facebook, there is a Blog page on the Website Remember your work can be shown on the Website or we can link to your own site – contact [email protected]; [email protected]
For further BDA info or feedback please contact
Mary Sprake, Chairman [email protected] 01986 893550
Marlene Jervis, Secretary, [email protected] 01986 892905
Karen Leah, Membership Secretary, [email protected] 01986 892599
The Art Trading Company, 36a Earsham Street is offering members a 10% discount on all art materials. Sue at the shop has a list of paid up members. She is also offering a variety of workshops in the upstairs room. The internet site is or phone 01986 897939 for details.
June 2013 Update
See workshops below
10 June 7 – 9
17, 24 June 10 – 12 (Also 17 June Card Folding with Lindsay – see workshops below)
1, 15, 29 July 10 – 12
8 July 7 – 9
Margaret is organising these – any queries contact her on 01986 892907 or [email protected]
Please note if the front door is not open enter via the rear door
Garden Art Trail 20/21 July – 9 gardens this year – no hanging fee just 10% commission - if you are interested in showing your work please contact Mary Sprake (details below)
Fisher Theatre 1 – 29 October
To include the Bungay Project work plus other exhibits. Further details will follow but get drawing/painting/crafting now!
Untutored Life Drawing Fisher Theatre 11 – 3.30 - 28 July, 15 Sept,
20 Oct, 17 Nov
Contact Malcolm Cudmore [email protected] 01986 893291 – to book a place - bring your own materials £10 per session for members - £15 non members
Card Folding with Lindsay Jolly – 17th June Community Centre 10 – 2 - £5 members, £10 non-members (inc materials)
Zentangles – 24 June at the Green Dragon 7.00 – no tutor - social evening – bring small pad and pen
Watercolour with Francis Bowyer – Thur 8 August – 10 – 4 - Walberswick Fisherman’s hut as base – Blythburgh Church if wet and cannot get outside – 12 max. £20 members, £30 non-members. Francis is past President of the Royal W/C Society, founder member of New English Art and teaches at the Royal Academy Schools. Thanks to Terry he has agreed to do this workshop for us while on holiday – a coup for BDA!! Check out his website.
Collage with Mary Walker in September (8 max) – this is now full
Drawing with Stitch – (tbc) September Hannelore Baxter – 10 – 4 Mettingham VH £10 members ,£15 non-members
Screenprinting – Jackie Linney – 19 Oct - 10 – 4 Mettingham VH making and using hand cut stencils, £10 members, £15 non-members
Beadwork – Jill Arnold 16 November (tbc) – Mettingham VH
Lino Cuts – (tbc) December – Sophie Day – Mettingham VH
Pastels –John Tookey (tbc) Jan/Feb – Mettingham VH - £20 members, £30 non-members. John provided a very successful w/s for us before. He is a member of the Pastel Society – check out his website.
Contact Marlene (details below) to book any of these workshops – remember some are limited
BDA Media – we are on Facebook, there is a Blog page on the Website
Remember your work can be shown on the Website or we can link to your own site – [email protected]; [email protected]
For further BDA info or feedback please contact
Mary Sprake, Chairman [email protected] 01986 893550 or
Marlene Jervis, Secretary, [email protected] 01986 892905
Karen Leah, Membership Secretary, [email protected] 01986 892599
www. [email protected]
The Art Trading Company, 36a Earsham Street is offering members a 10% discount on all art materials. Sue at the shop has a list of paid up members. She is also offering a variety of workshops in the upstairs room. The internet site is or phone 01986 897939 for details.
See workshops below
10 June 7 – 9
17, 24 June 10 – 12 (Also 17 June Card Folding with Lindsay – see workshops below)
1, 15, 29 July 10 – 12
8 July 7 – 9
Margaret is organising these – any queries contact her on 01986 892907 or [email protected]
Please note if the front door is not open enter via the rear door
Garden Art Trail 20/21 July – 9 gardens this year – no hanging fee just 10% commission - if you are interested in showing your work please contact Mary Sprake (details below)
Fisher Theatre 1 – 29 October
To include the Bungay Project work plus other exhibits. Further details will follow but get drawing/painting/crafting now!
Untutored Life Drawing Fisher Theatre 11 – 3.30 - 28 July, 15 Sept,
20 Oct, 17 Nov
Contact Malcolm Cudmore [email protected] 01986 893291 – to book a place - bring your own materials £10 per session for members - £15 non members
Card Folding with Lindsay Jolly – 17th June Community Centre 10 – 2 - £5 members, £10 non-members (inc materials)
Zentangles – 24 June at the Green Dragon 7.00 – no tutor - social evening – bring small pad and pen
Watercolour with Francis Bowyer – Thur 8 August – 10 – 4 - Walberswick Fisherman’s hut as base – Blythburgh Church if wet and cannot get outside – 12 max. £20 members, £30 non-members. Francis is past President of the Royal W/C Society, founder member of New English Art and teaches at the Royal Academy Schools. Thanks to Terry he has agreed to do this workshop for us while on holiday – a coup for BDA!! Check out his website.
Collage with Mary Walker in September (8 max) – this is now full
Drawing with Stitch – (tbc) September Hannelore Baxter – 10 – 4 Mettingham VH £10 members ,£15 non-members
Screenprinting – Jackie Linney – 19 Oct - 10 – 4 Mettingham VH making and using hand cut stencils, £10 members, £15 non-members
Beadwork – Jill Arnold 16 November (tbc) – Mettingham VH
Lino Cuts – (tbc) December – Sophie Day – Mettingham VH
Pastels –John Tookey (tbc) Jan/Feb – Mettingham VH - £20 members, £30 non-members. John provided a very successful w/s for us before. He is a member of the Pastel Society – check out his website.
Contact Marlene (details below) to book any of these workshops – remember some are limited
BDA Media – we are on Facebook, there is a Blog page on the Website
Remember your work can be shown on the Website or we can link to your own site – [email protected]; [email protected]
For further BDA info or feedback please contact
Mary Sprake, Chairman [email protected] 01986 893550 or
Marlene Jervis, Secretary, [email protected] 01986 892905
Karen Leah, Membership Secretary, [email protected] 01986 892599
www. [email protected]
The Art Trading Company, 36a Earsham Street is offering members a 10% discount on all art materials. Sue at the shop has a list of paid up members. She is also offering a variety of workshops in the upstairs room. The internet site is or phone 01986 897939 for details.
April 2013 Update
This is one of Margaret’s painting sessions so bring your own materials and Joyce Rathbone will show her designs for china
Please note if the front door is not open enter via the rear door
22 April 10 - 12.
29 April 7 - 9
13, 20, May 10 - 12
3, 17, 24 June 10 - 12
10 June 7 – 9
1, 15, 29 July 10 – 12
8 July 7 – 9
Margaret is organising these – any queries contact her on 01986 892907 or [email protected]
Please note if the front door is not open enter via the rear door
Untutored Life Drawing Fisher Theatre 11 – 3.30
Malcolm has arranged another three sessions: 12 May, 2 June and 28 July and is awaiting confirmation of availability for Sept/Oct/Nov
Contact Malcolm Cudmore [email protected] 01986 893291 to book a place. Bring your own materials
£10 per session for members - £15 non members minimum of 6
Card making with Lindsay Jolly – 17th June Community Centre 10 – 2
Zentangles – 24 June at the Green Dragon (social evening)
Collage with Mary Walker in September (8 max)
Please let Marlene know if you are interested in the above 3 workshops
Although cold and quiet the first few days we did take around £1,000 at the Easter Exhibition in St Mary’s Church.
Thanks to Karen and all stewards who suffered the arctic conditions
Garden Art Trail 20/21 July (details to follow)
Fisher Theatre 1 – 29 October (details to follow)
BDA Media – we are on Facebook, there is a Blog page on the Website
Remember your work can be shown on the Website or we can link to your own site – [email protected]; [email protected]
For further BDA info or feedback please contact
Mary Sprake, Chairman [email protected] 01986 893550 or
Marlene Jervis, Secretary, [email protected] 01986 892905
Karen Leah, Membership Secretary, [email protected] 01986 892599
[email protected]
The Art Trading Company, 36a Earsham Street is offering members a 10% discount on all art materials. Sue at the shop has a list of paid up members. She is also offering a variety of workshops in the upstairs room. The internet site is www. or phone 01986 897939 for details.
Black Dog Arts Life Drawing Sessions 2013
We intend to offer a short series of Life Drawing sessions in 2013. In the past, these
sessions have proved very popular. If you are new to drawing from the nude, there is
no better way to practice your drawing! If you’re more experienced, there is still no
better way to practice your drawing!
The sessions will be held in the Fisher Theatre auditorium where we can control the
lighting - really helpful in defining the forms and values.
The sessions will be on Sundays from 11.00 am to 3.30 pm - including a short lunch
break. I’m proposing three sessions, at two week intervals during late February and
early March. The sessions will be untutored - but everyone there will be more than
happy to offer advice and guidance if asked. If you would like to attend but don’t feel
confident about drawing from a live model, it may be possible to run an additional
“tutored” session before the three planned sessions start. Let me know if this would
be of interest to you. The sessions will cost just £10 each for BDA members (very reasonable as this is subsidised by BDA funds) which will cover the cost of the venue and model. Bring
your own painting and drawing materials and equipment. For the sessions to be viable,
we are ideally looking for a minimum of 10 participants at each session.
Please let me know as soon as you can whether you would like to attend these sessions
and also whether you would be interested in a “tutored” introductory session.
The best way to contact me is by e-mail: [email protected]
Alternatively give me a call on (07912) 793204
Please get back to me as soon as you can. I look forward to hearing from you.
Malcolm Cudmore
This is one of Margaret’s painting sessions so bring your own materials
18 March 10 – 12
25 March 7 - 9
8, 15, 22 April 10 - 12.
29 April 7 - 9
13, 20, May 10 - 12
3, 17, 24 June 10 - 12
10 June 7 – 9
1, 15, 29 July 10 – 12
8 July 7 – 9
Margaret is organising these – any queries contact her on 01986 892907 or [email protected]
Untutored Life Drawing Fisher Theatre 11 – 3.30
Sun 17 March } Contact Malcolm Cudmore [email protected]
Sun 24 March } 01986 893291 – bring your own materials
Malcolm is hoping to arrange monthly untutored life drawing sessions at the Fisher – details will follow
Sun 14 April – Felt Making with Georgina Johnson – 10 – 3 Mettingham VH
Contact [email protected] 01986 892905 -
materials supplied Please confirm by phone or email if you want to come along even if you have told me verbally (I don’t always remember!!)
£10 per session for members - £15 non members minimum of 6
Info will follow on card making with Lindsay Jolly, Collage with Mary Walker. Other suggestions - pastels, portrait and zentangles.
We will have three open exhibitions this year:
Easter in St Mary’s Church
Garden Art Trail 20/21 July
Fisher Theatre 1 – 29 October
BDA Media – we are on Facebook, there is a Blog page on the Website
Remember your work can be shown on the Website or we can link to your own site – [email protected]; [email protected]
For further BDA info or feedback please contact
Mary Sprake, Chairman [email protected] 01986 893550 or
Marlene Jervis, Secretary, [email protected] 01986 892905
Karen Leah, Membership Secretary, [email protected] 01986 892599
[email protected]
The Art Trading Company, 36a Earsham Street is offering members a 10% discount on all art materials. Sue at the shop has a list of paid up members. She is also offering a variety of workshops in the upstairs room. The internet site is or phone 01986 897939 for details.
This is one of Margaret’s painting sessions so bring your own materials
18 March 10 – 12
25 March 7 - 9
8, 15, 22 April 10 - 12.
29 April 7 - 9
13, 20, May 10 - 12
3, 17, 24 June 10 - 12
10 June 7 – 9
1, 15, 29 July 10 – 12
8 July 7 – 9
Margaret is organising these – any queries contact her on 01986 892907 or [email protected]
Untutored Life Drawing Fisher Theatre 11 – 3.30
Sun 17 March } Contact Malcolm Cudmore [email protected]
Sun 24 March } 01986 893291 – bring your own materials
Malcolm is hoping to arrange monthly untutored life drawing sessions at the Fisher – details will follow
Sun 14 April – Felt Making with Georgina Johnson – 10 – 3 Mettingham VH
Contact [email protected] 01986 892905 -
materials supplied Please confirm by phone or email if you want to come along even if you have told me verbally (I don’t always remember!!)
£10 per session for members - £15 non members minimum of 6
Info will follow on card making with Lindsay Jolly, Collage with Mary Walker. Other suggestions - pastels, portrait and zentangles.
We will have three open exhibitions this year:
Easter in St Mary’s Church
Garden Art Trail 20/21 July
Fisher Theatre 1 – 29 October
BDA Media – we are on Facebook, there is a Blog page on the Website
Remember your work can be shown on the Website or we can link to your own site – [email protected]; [email protected]
For further BDA info or feedback please contact
Mary Sprake, Chairman [email protected] 01986 893550 or
Marlene Jervis, Secretary, [email protected] 01986 892905
Karen Leah, Membership Secretary, [email protected] 01986 892599
[email protected]
The Art Trading Company, 36a Earsham Street is offering members a 10% discount on all art materials. Sue at the shop has a list of paid up members. She is also offering a variety of workshops in the upstairs room. The internet site is or phone 01986 897939 for details.
Your chance to meet other members, share ideas, sketch or just chat.
Sun 17 February } Untutored Life Drawing Fisher Theatre 11 – 3.30
Sun 17 March } Contact Malcolm Cudmore [email protected]
Sun 24 March } 01986 893291 – bring your own materials
Sun 24 Feb Fabric Landscapes with Jill Arnold 10 to 3.00 Mettingham VH- bring sewing machine, threads and some fabrics (small pieces are fine) some will be supplied. Contact [email protected] 01986 893550
Sun 14 April – Felt Making with Georgina Johnson – 10 – 3 Mettingham VH
Contact [email protected] 01986 892905 -
materials supplied
Lindsay Jolly has offered to do card making workshops. These are not just cards with bits stuck on them, these are fantastic creations using folding techniques and other incredible ideas. All materials will be provided. We hope to do collage with Mary Walker.
£10 per session for members - £15 non members
minimum of 6
We will have three open exhibitions this year:
Easter in St Mary’s Church
Garden Art Trail 20/21 July
Fisher Theatre 1 – 29 October
Details will follow
Drop in art sessions – message from Margaret Sheppard:
I have booked the smaller room at Bungay Community Centre, Upper Olland Street up until Easter which I will take responsibility for although I may not be there every week. This is how it will work. The payment is £5 per hour (so £10 per morning, we may need two and half or even three but will see how people feel) no profit basis, ie five people,£2 each,10 £1 each. Tea/coffee charge will cover costs. I will be presented with a bill each month which I will pay. I will keep a record in a book which people will sign and pay, BDA will not be responsible for the payment. People attending will be responsible for helping to get tables /chairs out and also for putting away, also for making tea. I will not be doing all the work only organising the venue.
This has come about as a response to people asking me where and when BDA meets, Marlene organised evenings at the Staithe some time ago but there was little take up. I see this as a place to meet regularly as if you are like me I never seem to have the time but if it is a regular time/place I will get there and also put it in the diary. You do not have to go every week or let me know, just turn up with your pencils/paints and inspiration. Remember if you copy an artist’s work you must acknowledge by saying ‘in the style of’ or ‘after Joe Bloggs’ for example. Sometimes we may, if you wish, have a visiting tutor where there will be an extra payment but only if people wish it to happen. Hopefully we will be able to produce something for Easter exhibition perhaps? Or even enjoy just having a coffee together. For the people that say they cannot draw I would be willing to give you some small/simple exercises one morning each month by arrangement but otherwise I hope to complete something by Easter.
The room is booked from 9.45am -12.15pm on the following Mondays and 6.45pm-9.15pm on the occasional dates to include people that work during the day. There is free parking, I am not sure whether the front or back door will be open so try both.
Contact,me, preferably by email,. [email protected] or tel;01986 892907.
Feb 11th .and March 18th evening 7pm-9pm.
Feb 25th, March 4th , 11th and 25th 9.45 – 12.15
These are going very well and thanks to Margaret for organising this, especially as she is not a committee member. Please try to support this new opportunity to get together and be creative.
BDA Media – we are on Facebook, there is a Blog page on the Website
Remember your work can be shown on the Website or we can link to your own site – [email protected]; [email protected]
For further BDA info or feedback please contact
Mary Sprake, Chairman [email protected] 01986 893550 or
Marlene Jervis, Secretary, [email protected] 01986 892905
Karen Leah, Membership Secretary, [email protected] 01986 892599
[email protected]
The Art Trading Company, 36a Earsham Street is offering members a 10% discount on all art materials. Sue at the shop has a list of paid up members. She is also offering a variety of workshops in the upstairs room. The internet site is or phone 01986 897939 for details.
Your chance to meet other members, share ideas, sketch or just chat.
Sun 17 February } Untutored Life Drawing Fisher Theatre 11 – 3.30
Sun 17 March } Contact Malcolm Cudmore [email protected]
Sun 24 March } 01986 893291 – bring your own materials
Sun 24 Feb Fabric Landscapes with Jill Arnold 10 to 3.00 Mettingham VH- bring sewing machine, threads and some fabrics (small pieces are fine) some will be supplied. Contact [email protected] 01986 893550
Sun 14 April – Felt Making with Georgina Johnson – 10 – 3 Mettingham VH
Contact [email protected] 01986 892905 -
materials supplied
Lindsay Jolly has offered to do card making workshops. These are not just cards with bits stuck on them, these are fantastic creations using folding techniques and other incredible ideas. All materials will be provided. We hope to do collage with Mary Walker.
£10 per session for members - £15 non members
minimum of 6
We will have three open exhibitions this year:
Easter in St Mary’s Church
Garden Art Trail 20/21 July
Fisher Theatre 1 – 29 October
Details will follow
Drop in art sessions – message from Margaret Sheppard:
I have booked the smaller room at Bungay Community Centre, Upper Olland Street up until Easter which I will take responsibility for although I may not be there every week. This is how it will work. The payment is £5 per hour (so £10 per morning, we may need two and half or even three but will see how people feel) no profit basis, ie five people,£2 each,10 £1 each. Tea/coffee charge will cover costs. I will be presented with a bill each month which I will pay. I will keep a record in a book which people will sign and pay, BDA will not be responsible for the payment. People attending will be responsible for helping to get tables /chairs out and also for putting away, also for making tea. I will not be doing all the work only organising the venue.
This has come about as a response to people asking me where and when BDA meets, Marlene organised evenings at the Staithe some time ago but there was little take up. I see this as a place to meet regularly as if you are like me I never seem to have the time but if it is a regular time/place I will get there and also put it in the diary. You do not have to go every week or let me know, just turn up with your pencils/paints and inspiration. Remember if you copy an artist’s work you must acknowledge by saying ‘in the style of’ or ‘after Joe Bloggs’ for example. Sometimes we may, if you wish, have a visiting tutor where there will be an extra payment but only if people wish it to happen. Hopefully we will be able to produce something for Easter exhibition perhaps? Or even enjoy just having a coffee together. For the people that say they cannot draw I would be willing to give you some small/simple exercises one morning each month by arrangement but otherwise I hope to complete something by Easter.
The room is booked from 9.45am -12.15pm on the following Mondays and 6.45pm-9.15pm on the occasional dates to include people that work during the day. There is free parking, I am not sure whether the front or back door will be open so try both.
Contact,me, preferably by email,. [email protected] or tel;01986 892907.
Feb 11th .and March 18th evening 7pm-9pm.
Feb 25th, March 4th , 11th and 25th 9.45 – 12.15
These are going very well and thanks to Margaret for organising this, especially as she is not a committee member. Please try to support this new opportunity to get together and be creative.
BDA Media – we are on Facebook, there is a Blog page on the Website
Remember your work can be shown on the Website or we can link to your own site – [email protected]; [email protected]
For further BDA info or feedback please contact
Mary Sprake, Chairman [email protected] 01986 893550 or
Marlene Jervis, Secretary, [email protected] 01986 892905
Karen Leah, Membership Secretary, [email protected] 01986 892599
[email protected]
The Art Trading Company, 36a Earsham Street is offering members a 10% discount on all art materials. Sue at the shop has a list of paid up members. She is also offering a variety of workshops in the upstairs room. The internet site is or phone 01986 897939 for details.
November Update
First – welcome to Lindsay Jolly as a new committee member. Lindsay has been a member for some time and always supports our exhibitions and events and we are pleased to have her on board.
Since the AGM we have 27 paid up members. In case you have not had a chance to renew your membership a form is here. Please remember to let Karen know if any of your details, especially email address, change. Karen’s details below.
Our social get-togethers on the last Monday of the month are going well.
This is a good opportunity to share ideas, discuss any difficulties you are encountering,
or just have a natter. Some bring a sketch pad and pencil, others don’t.
We can discuss the Bungay Project if you wish (details below) but the evening is open to all topics
Those who attended Malcolm’s 3 day workshop had a real bargain and treat – thanks Malcolm
The watercolour w/s with Di McKenna was excellent and those attending had a very productive day and learned many different techniques.
Sat 26 January – Kerry Heaney – Photography for Beginners/How to Use
Your Digital/SLR at Mettingham Village Hall.
This was due to take place on 24 November. Please contact Karen if you would
like to book in
We are hoping to organise the following:
February - Fabric Landscapes
March – Felting
Indigo dying/Cyanotype/Wire beading/Card making dates tbc
The committee have agreed to peg all workshops at £10 per session for members -
£15 non members. Minimum of 6
We are asking for 6” x 6” max silhouettes for this year’s Advent Calendar
which will be in a St Mary’s Street window. Work will be returned to artist.
Deadline is Nov 29th so please get busy. Contact Karen or Terry please, details below
We will have three open exhibitions this year:
Easter in St Mary’s Church
Garden Art Trail in July
Fisher Theatre 1 – 29 October
Details will follow
BDA Media – we are on Facebook, there is a Blog page on the Website – Remember your work can be shown on the Website or we can link to your own site – [email protected]; [email protected]
Carol has offered to trawl through the Radio Times to let us know of any arty type programmes coming up – we will email you
And finally - look out for the BDA Notice Board at the bus shelter in St Mary’s Street
For further BDA info or feedback please contact
Mary Sprake, Chairman [email protected] 01986 893550 or
Marlene Jervis, Secretary, [email protected] 01986 892905
Karen Leah, Membership Secretary, [email protected] 01986 892599
[email protected]
Stew Studios is a non-profit organisation offering open access screen printing facilities in Fishergate, Norwich (off Magdalen Street). Terry has had an induction session and is very impressed – certainly worth an enquiry if screen printing is your thing.
The Art Trading Company, 36a Earsham Street is offering members a 10% discount on all art materials. Sue at the shop has a list of paid up members. She is also offering a variety of workshops in the upstairs room. The internet site is or phone 01986 897939 for details.
August Update
Black Dog Arts at Bungay Festival
Thanks to all who contributed and helped out at our very successful Garden Art Trail. We had around 300 visitors over the weekend, the comments were brilliant and we sold quite a lot of art. Pop Up Art the following weekend was fun to do and roused interest wherever we went. The pull along black dog was very popular. We hope we raised the profile of BDA in the town.
BLACK DOG AT THE GREEN DRAGON Put these dates in your diary now
27 Aug: (Bank Hol) Meet 7pm in Green Dragon plus camera/sketch book - we will meander around town looking for those odd nooks and crannies and anything else that takes our fancy as a preview of the Bungay Project (notes attached)
24 Sept/29 Oct/26 Nov/none Dec/28 Jan/25 Feb will see us progressing Bungay Project work which will be shown, with other work, at the Easter Exhibition in St Mary’s. Easter is the first weekend in April.
Please come along even if you are not taking part in the BP –
we have a very convivial evening with plenty of chat so it is a good opportunity to get to know other members
Tue 4 Sept – A selection of what’s on in London:
V&A - Heatherwick Studio: Designing the extraordinary (he designed the Olympic Flame) Timed tickets £7.00 full £6.00 senior citizens
Tate Britain - Another London : photographs of city life 1930 - 1980
Tate Modern - Edvard Munch: the modern eye £14.00 full £12.20 senior citizens
The Tanks (Tate Modern): live art, performance, installation and film works
Different programme each week
Car to Diss then train to London. Off-peak Diss-London £41
Thur 20 Sept Fitzwillliam,Cambridge -The Search for Immortality: Tomb Treasures of Han China. Ceramic art, craft and tales from Medieval Cyprus, plus others. Other venues in Cambridge including Kettles Yard. Car or minibus (awaiting cost)
Fri 12 Oct - Alexandra Palace - Knit & Stitch. £12/11advance admission. We are looking into cost of travel from Bungay
Thur 6 Dec - East Ruston Vicarage - Alan Gray will give demonstrations on how to bring a floral twist to the festive season. By car - £40.00 per person including lunch.
Spring – Beth Chatto
Other suggestions – Shell Museum, Glandford, near Holt. Sutton Hoo
See separate booking form
Sun 21 Oct - Di McKenna will tutor a watercolour workshop – Di is an accomplished artist and tutor
Sat 24 November – Kerry Heaney – Photography for Beginners/How to Use Your Digital/SLR.
The committee have agreed to peg all workshops at
£10 per session
minimum of 6
See separate booking form
YOUR LAST CHANCE - Affordable Christmas Art Fair at the Fisher Theatre.
This will be in the auditorium for one week in December. Art must be for sale and ‘affordable’ is up to £300. Closing date for application is 9 August. If you are interested contact [email protected] or 01986 895367
Fisher Theatre - new programme now available
Show your work on our Website – You can have your own link to your website or a page showing a few pieces of your work. Karen and Terry will provide more information [email protected]; [email protected] There is also a link with the Bungay Town website, who have offered our members a reduction of £25 to be included in that. Contact [email protected]
For further BDA info or feedback (we would love to hear from you on any matter) please contact
Mary Sprake, Chairman [email protected] 01986 893550 or
Marlene Jervis, Secretary, [email protected] 01986 892905
[email protected]
The Art Trading Company, 36a Earsham Street is offering members a 10% discount on all art materials. Sue at the shop has a list of paid up members. She is also offering a variety of workshops in the upstairs room. The internet site is or phone 01986 897939 for details.
July Update
Black Dog Arts at Bungay Festival
July is a busy month with the Garden Art Trail on 14/15 July and Pop Up Art 21/22 July
Those of you who are exhibiting or stewarding at the GAT will have been contacted by Collette and there is a meeting at Mary Sprake’s, Marton House, Low Road, Mettingham at 11am on Saturday for us to get all the information. Collette’s phone no is 01986 892067, [email protected] and Mary’s no is 01986 893550 [email protected]. See poster and map attached.
The following weekend is our experimental Pop Ups. We will meet at the Buttercross at 11am both days and take it from there where we go, depending on the weather. We have the mobile dog (who is not yet black, but will be) for us to trail along publicising BDA. Those who have shown an interest are Georgina Johnson, Terry Wright, Carolyn Moulton, Malcolm Cudmore, Geoff King and Marlene Jervis. If anyone else would like to take part please let Marlene know – 01986 892905 [email protected]. Just bring along something simple to do, sketch book, knitting, sewing etc which does not take time to set up and take down.
BLACK DOG AT THE GREEN DRAGON Put these dates in your diary
Terry Wright has suggested we work towards The Bungay Project at our monthly social evenings, see attached sheet outlining her ideas. The plan is:
30 July: Meet 7pm in GD with sketch book and camera. We will then visit the Borough Well, St Mary’s Church, the Castle and Bungay Museum. Chris Reeve, one of our members, has agreed to accompany us and will give historical information as we go along as well as having keys to all these places!
27 Aug: (Bank Hol) Meet 7pm in GD (as July) but this time we will meander around town looking for those odd nooks and crannies and anything else that takes our fancy.
24 Sept/29 Oct/26 Nov/none Dec/28 Jan/25 Feb will see us progressing work which will be shown, with other work, at the Easter Exhibition in St Mary’s. Easter is the first weekend in April.
July 7 – 22 is Bungay Festival – lots to inspire you. Street Market this Sunday and also tours up St Mary’s Church 2 – 4.
This link gives you all information about the Festival
Trips – we hope to organise local trips by car after the hectic summer. East Ruston has been suggested and also another visit to Beth Chatto. There are some interesting exhibitions coming up in London, Thomas Heatherwick (designer) at the V&A, Munch at Tate Modern to name just two. Please feel free to suggest where you would like to go – to either Marlene or Mary – details below.
Affordable Christmas Art Fair at the Fisher Theatre.
We are looking for 12 stunning pictures for next year’s popular “Bungay Calendar”
If you would like one of your pictures to be included please send a digital image or a photo to us before Monday 9th July 2012 with your contact details.
The Fisher Theatre, 10 Broad Street, Bungay, NR35 1EE or [email protected]
Preference will be given to pictures with a local Bungay theme. The final image must be high resolution and fit into a landscape A3 format. All successful entries will be notified by the third week of August. The images will be copy written and artists’ contact details included on the calendar.
Check out our website – You can have your own link to your website or a page showing a few pieces of your work. Karen and Terry will provide more information [email protected]; [email protected] There is also a link with the Bungay Town website, who have offered our members a reduction of £25 to be included in that. Contact [email protected]
For further BDA info or feedback (we would love to hear from you on any matter) please contact
Mary Sprake, Chairman [email protected] 01986 893550 or
Marlene Jervis, Secretary, [email protected] 01986 892905
[email protected]
We hope to see you at the Garden Art Trail
Buttercross Tea Rooms in Cross Street have an empty wall they would like to fill with art for sale. They will take 10% commission, no hanging fee and will favour local scenes. Phone Anthony Halsall on 01986 893002.
The Art Trading Company, 36a Earsham Street is offering members a 10% discount on all art materials. Sue at the shop has a list of paid up members. She is also offering a variety of workshops in the upstairs room. The internet site is or phone 01986 897939 for details.
Willow Cottage
78 Nethergate St
NR35 1HE
01986 892905
[email protected]
To: BDA Members 17 April 2012
Dear Member
This year we have The Natural World as our theme. This does not mean you have to show work solely of flowers and butterflies. Any work which relates to nature can be exhibited, including work made from natural mediums and materials; there is scope for everyone to contribute in their own favoured medium, or why not try something new?
This year we will not have the workshops leading up to the GAT but would like to expand what we did last year and have members actually working within a garden while that garden is open.
We have five town centre gardens and another four a bit more out of town, so there will be opportunity to show a lot of BDA member’s work. There will be no hanging fee, just the usual 10% commission.
The gardens will be Caroline Norton (Earsham St/Castle Bailey) Neil Mayhew (Crocks, Earsham St), Mr and Mrs J Meade (Scott House, Cock Bridge), Pat & Brian Clarke (Trinity St), Paul Jackson (Wingfield St).. Four out of town are Ann Woolston and Carol Piertzak (neighbours on Woodland Drive), Beryl Logg and Betty Warnes (both Beccles Rd).
Please could you let me know asap if you are interested in showing your work and also if you would be interested in working within a garden the Saturday, Sunday or both.
We do hope exhibitors will go on the rota of stewards for a few hours over the weekend, Collette has again offered to do the onerous job of sorting out the rotas.
We need a lot of art this year – you have nothing to lose by exhibiting. We sold over £1,200 work at the Easter exhibition and we have a lot more visitors to the GAT in the summer.
Please reply to me asap on the points above and we can sort out the details nearer the time
Many thanks.
Yours sincerely
Marlene Jervis, Secretary
78 Nethergate St
NR35 1HE
01986 892905
[email protected]
To: BDA Members 17 April 2012
Dear Member
This year we have The Natural World as our theme. This does not mean you have to show work solely of flowers and butterflies. Any work which relates to nature can be exhibited, including work made from natural mediums and materials; there is scope for everyone to contribute in their own favoured medium, or why not try something new?
This year we will not have the workshops leading up to the GAT but would like to expand what we did last year and have members actually working within a garden while that garden is open.
We have five town centre gardens and another four a bit more out of town, so there will be opportunity to show a lot of BDA member’s work. There will be no hanging fee, just the usual 10% commission.
The gardens will be Caroline Norton (Earsham St/Castle Bailey) Neil Mayhew (Crocks, Earsham St), Mr and Mrs J Meade (Scott House, Cock Bridge), Pat & Brian Clarke (Trinity St), Paul Jackson (Wingfield St).. Four out of town are Ann Woolston and Carol Piertzak (neighbours on Woodland Drive), Beryl Logg and Betty Warnes (both Beccles Rd).
Please could you let me know asap if you are interested in showing your work and also if you would be interested in working within a garden the Saturday, Sunday or both.
We do hope exhibitors will go on the rota of stewards for a few hours over the weekend, Collette has again offered to do the onerous job of sorting out the rotas.
We need a lot of art this year – you have nothing to lose by exhibiting. We sold over £1,200 work at the Easter exhibition and we have a lot more visitors to the GAT in the summer.
Please reply to me asap on the points above and we can sort out the details nearer the time
Many thanks.
Yours sincerely
Marlene Jervis, Secretary
Update - May/June 2012
Black Dog at the Green Dragon
Monday 28 May 7.30. This month will be an informal sketching session led by Malcolm who says ‘if members are nervous about drawing in public or from life I hope I’ve got some tips that should help remove their fears and make the whole thing enjoyable’ – all you need is a small sketch book and pencil. You never know - if it is a warm evening we might be in the garden.'
Landscapes in the Saints – 2 workshops left
21 and 28 July – 2 days with Mary Spicer £60pp. There will be an exhibition of the works in September. Contact Jan [email protected] or 01986 895227 for info.
Workshops: Twelve took part in Maggie Campbell’s willow weaving workshop which proved to be a very entertaining and productive day. The results ranged from a human figure, obelisks (which are now supports for sweet peas and beans) to garden arches and panels, a child’s garden chair and a very large flower. We hope to have some in the Garden Art Trail in July.
Garden Art Trail 14/15 July part of Bungay Festival – This is your last chance if you want to exhibit – please email or phone Marlene 01986 892905 [email protected] . As we have more gardens this year we will need more stewards. If you can help out for a couple of hours please contact Colette on 01986 892067 [email protected]. Artists need to organise display of their works.
Pop Up Art 21/22 July part of Bungay Festival. The mobile black dog is under construction – all we need now are members happy to pull him around town to the various locations where we will Pop Up. The idea is the group will arrive, unscheduled, at a location (funnily enough there are several pub gardens that lend themselves to this), set themselves up and start working on a sketch, painting, knitting, sewing or anything else you can do within a short time. Thanks to those who have already agreed to take part, but there are two days to cover so please join in, even if just for an hour, it should be good fun. If you would like to take part please contact Mary Sprake [email protected] or 01986 893550.
Trips – we hope to organise local trips by car after the hectic summer. East Ruston has been suggested and also another visit to Beth Chatto. Please feel free to suggest where you would like to go – to either Marlene or Mary – details below.
Affordable Christmas Art Fair at the Fisher Theatre.
This will be in the auditorium for one week in December. Art must be for sale and ‘affordable’ is up to £300. Closing date for application is 9 August. If you are interested contact [email protected] or 01986 895367
Buttercross Tea Rooms in Cross Street have an empty wall they would like to fill with art for sale. They will take 10% commission, no hanging fee and will favour local scenes. Phone Anthony Halsall on 01986 893002.
The Art Trading Company, 36a Earsham Street is offering members a 10% discount on all art materials. Sue at the shop has a list of paid up members. She is also offering a variety of workshops in the upstairs room. The internet site is or phone 01986 897939 for details.
Check out our website – You can have a link to your own website or a page showing a few pieces of your work. Karen and Terry will provide more information [email protected]; [email protected] There is also a link with the Bungay Town website, who have offered our members a special price of £25 to be included in that on the Arts & Antiques page. Contact [email protected]
For further BDA info or feedback (we would love to hear from you on any matter) please contact
Mary Sprake, Chairman [email protected] 01986 893550 or
Marlene Jervis, Secretary, [email protected] 01986 892905
[email protected]
The Fisher Theatre 2013 Bungay Calendar
An opportunity for artists to have one of their pictures enjoyed by over 500 people
We are looking for 12 stunning pictures for next year’s popular “Bungay Calendar”
As well as being enjoyed by local residents our calendar is sent by them to friends and relatives all over the world.
If you would like one of your pictures to be included please send a digital image or a photo to us before Monday 9th July 2012 with your contact details.
Please send to:
The Fisher Theatre, 10 Broad Street, Bungay, NR35 1EE or [email protected]
Preference will be given to pictures with a local Bungay theme. The final image must be high resolution and fit into a landscape A3 format. All successful entries will be notified by the third week of July. The images will be copy written and artists’ contact details included on the calendar.
Monday 28 May 7.30. This month will be an informal sketching session led by Malcolm who says ‘if members are nervous about drawing in public or from life I hope I’ve got some tips that should help remove their fears and make the whole thing enjoyable’ – all you need is a small sketch book and pencil. You never know - if it is a warm evening we might be in the garden.'
Landscapes in the Saints – 2 workshops left
21 and 28 July – 2 days with Mary Spicer £60pp. There will be an exhibition of the works in September. Contact Jan [email protected] or 01986 895227 for info.
Workshops: Twelve took part in Maggie Campbell’s willow weaving workshop which proved to be a very entertaining and productive day. The results ranged from a human figure, obelisks (which are now supports for sweet peas and beans) to garden arches and panels, a child’s garden chair and a very large flower. We hope to have some in the Garden Art Trail in July.
Garden Art Trail 14/15 July part of Bungay Festival – This is your last chance if you want to exhibit – please email or phone Marlene 01986 892905 [email protected] . As we have more gardens this year we will need more stewards. If you can help out for a couple of hours please contact Colette on 01986 892067 [email protected]. Artists need to organise display of their works.
Pop Up Art 21/22 July part of Bungay Festival. The mobile black dog is under construction – all we need now are members happy to pull him around town to the various locations where we will Pop Up. The idea is the group will arrive, unscheduled, at a location (funnily enough there are several pub gardens that lend themselves to this), set themselves up and start working on a sketch, painting, knitting, sewing or anything else you can do within a short time. Thanks to those who have already agreed to take part, but there are two days to cover so please join in, even if just for an hour, it should be good fun. If you would like to take part please contact Mary Sprake [email protected] or 01986 893550.
Trips – we hope to organise local trips by car after the hectic summer. East Ruston has been suggested and also another visit to Beth Chatto. Please feel free to suggest where you would like to go – to either Marlene or Mary – details below.
Affordable Christmas Art Fair at the Fisher Theatre.
This will be in the auditorium for one week in December. Art must be for sale and ‘affordable’ is up to £300. Closing date for application is 9 August. If you are interested contact [email protected] or 01986 895367
Buttercross Tea Rooms in Cross Street have an empty wall they would like to fill with art for sale. They will take 10% commission, no hanging fee and will favour local scenes. Phone Anthony Halsall on 01986 893002.
The Art Trading Company, 36a Earsham Street is offering members a 10% discount on all art materials. Sue at the shop has a list of paid up members. She is also offering a variety of workshops in the upstairs room. The internet site is or phone 01986 897939 for details.
Check out our website – You can have a link to your own website or a page showing a few pieces of your work. Karen and Terry will provide more information [email protected]; [email protected] There is also a link with the Bungay Town website, who have offered our members a special price of £25 to be included in that on the Arts & Antiques page. Contact [email protected]
For further BDA info or feedback (we would love to hear from you on any matter) please contact
Mary Sprake, Chairman [email protected] 01986 893550 or
Marlene Jervis, Secretary, [email protected] 01986 892905
[email protected]
The Fisher Theatre 2013 Bungay Calendar
An opportunity for artists to have one of their pictures enjoyed by over 500 people
We are looking for 12 stunning pictures for next year’s popular “Bungay Calendar”
As well as being enjoyed by local residents our calendar is sent by them to friends and relatives all over the world.
If you would like one of your pictures to be included please send a digital image or a photo to us before Monday 9th July 2012 with your contact details.
Please send to:
The Fisher Theatre, 10 Broad Street, Bungay, NR35 1EE or [email protected]
Preference will be given to pictures with a local Bungay theme. The final image must be high resolution and fit into a landscape A3 format. All successful entries will be notified by the third week of July. The images will be copy written and artists’ contact details included on the calendar.
April Update
Welcome to our four new and one returning members - we now have almost 70
Check out our website – You can have a link to your own website or a page showing a few pieces of your work. Karen and Terry will provide more information [email protected]; [email protected];
Black Dog at the Green Dragon : Monthly Social Meeting
We have decided to have these on the last Monday of each month 7.30, at The Green Dragon, Broad Street. So put 30 April in your diary when we invite you to bring your sketch books, note books, work in progress, or perhaps a piece you would like some guidance on. If you don’t bring anything it doesn’t matter, just join in the chat, it’s very informal. The following month’s topic will be set on 30 April.
Easter Exhibition in St Mary's Church – £1,246 was the total of sales and due to generous donations and the hanging fees we made a profit even taking into account the purchase of the banners and flyers. We had 100 more visitors than last year and twenty two excellent comments, such as
‘Great diversity, keep up the good art’
‘Nice variety of subjects, styles. Good exhibition – well done’
‘Some really super pictures; always amazed at how much talent there is in the BDA’.
Thanks to Karen for all her hard work and to Malcolm who spent many hours setting up and taking down.
Landscapes in the Saints – 2 workshops left
2 May with Sarah Cannell, this will be day and a half £50pp.
21 and 28 July – 2 days with Mary Spicer £60pp. There will be an exhibition of the works in September. Contact Jan [email protected] or 01986 895227 for info.
Workshops: Maggie Campbell will be showing us how to make out of willow Sculptural Forms for the Garden on Sunday 6 May from 10 – 4, Mettingham Church Rooms (behind the Tally Ho Tea Rooms). Cost £10 to members £15 to non-members and this will include all materials. So all you have to bring along is your lunch.
Please contact Mary - [email protected] 01986 893550 to book your place – numbers are limited
Garden Art Trail 14/15 July part of Bungay Festival – You will have seen the letter sent out a couple of days ago regarding this very successful annual event, this will be our third. There is a copy below this Update just in case you missed it. Three Willows Garden Centre will offer a 10% discount over the weekend to anyone who has the GAT stamp on their hand.
Pop Up Art 21/22 July part of Bungay Festival. The mobile black dog is under construction – all we need now are members happy to pull him around town to the various locations where we will Pop Up. The idea is the group will arrive, unscheduled, at a location (funnily enough there are several pub gardens that lend themselves to this), set themselves up and start working on a sketch, painting, knitting, sewing or anything else you can do within a short time. Thanks to those who have already agreed to take part, but there are two days to cover so please join in, even if just for an hour, it should be good fun. If you would like to take part please contact Mary Sprake [email protected] or 01986 893550.
Affordable Christmas Art Fair at the Fisher Theatre.
This will be in the auditorium for one week in December. Art must be for sale and ‘affordable’ is up to £300. Closing date for application is 9 August. If you are interested contact [email protected] or collect an information sheet from the box office between 11 - 3 every day except Sunday
Buttercross Tea Rooms in Cross Street have an empty wall they would like to fill with art for sale. They will take 10% commission, no hanging fee and will favour local scenes. Phone Anthony Halsall on 01986 893002.
The Art Trading Company , 36a Earsham Street is offering members a 10% discount on all art materials. Sue at the shop has a list of paid up members. She is also offering a variety of workshops in the upstairs room. The internet site is or phone 01986 897939 for details.
Stuart Green is launching his exhibition at the Fisher Theatre tonight, Wed 18 April at 6pm, anyone is welcome to go along. The exhibition will be staged for a month, open from 11 – 3 except Sundays
For further info or feedback please contact
Mary Sprake, Chairman [email protected] 01986 893550 or
Marlene Jervis, Secretary, [email protected] 01986 892905
[email protected]
Update - March 2012
Welcome to our new members - we now have 60+ paid up members.
We also have our own spanking new website –
Thanks to Karen Leah and Terry Wright who have worked hard to get this up and running. All our information will be available on the site and members will be able to have their own link to show their work plus a link to their own website if they have one. Karen and Terry will provide more information about this [email protected]; [email protected];
Black Dog at the Green Dragon : Monthly Social Meeting – Mon 26 March 7.30 - Jan Hughes, Terry Wright and Hilary Mullock will speak about their experiences in ‘Going Back to Class to Expand their Creative Talents.’ Do come along – you can try the Green Dragon’s own brews, a very reasonably priced glass of wine or have a coffee and in case you don’t know where it is the Green Dragon is in Broad Street on the right as you come into Bungay from Clay’s roundabout off the A143. Parking is either on the road or turn right at the pub and there is a public car park on the cross roads.
Easter Exhibition in St Mary's Church – 31 March to Monday 9 April. Planning for this is well underway – there will be two banners in town advertising this event and posters and flyers have been printed.
Landscapes in the Saints – 3 workshops.
15 April with Katzyina Coleman £30 pp. Meet at St James Village Hall.
One and a half day workshop with Sarah Cannell
Tuesday May 22nd 11am to 1pm, Tuesday May 29th 11am to 3.30pm
21 and 28 July – 2 days with Mary Spicer £60pp.
There will be an exhibition of the works in September.
Workshops: The committee are investigating various workshops throughout the spring and summer. Details will follow
Garden Art Trail 14/15 July part of Bungay Festival – We have six definite town centre gardens, possibly another two , plus four which are not so central but within walking distance for those who can, or by car for those who are not so agile. If you would like to submit art works please see the attached form. The theme for the gardens will be The Natural World so there is a wide spectrum of subjects. Commission will be charged at 10%, there is no hanging fee.
Bungay Festival 21/22 July. We will be inviting members to participate in a Pop Up Art project. The mobile black dog is in the planning stage and there are already several members interested in taking part. In case you have not heard about this the plan is a few people will gather in a place and start sketching, painting, knitting or whatever takes their fancy that can be done with minimal set up time. The group will then up sticks and move to another location in a spontaneous way – no schedule and if it is wet then we will go indoors or at least under cover. The black dog will be trailed around with us from venue to venue. If you would like to take part please contact Mary Sprake [email protected] or 01986 893550.
Remember -The Art Trading Company, 36a Earsham Street is offering paid up members a 10% discount on all art materials. Sue at the shop has a list of members. She is also offering a variety of workshops in the upstairs room. The internet site is or phone 01986 897939 for details.
One of our members, Geoff King, is exhibiting at the Fisher Theatre until mid April so go along and have a look at this great exhibition, the gallery is open 10 – 3 Monday to Saturday.
Also at the Fisher Theatre Dr Roger Simpson is presenting a series of talks on The Englishness of English Art - Series 1 – Ten Georgian Paintings. These will be held on Tuesdays 10 – 12 from 3 April to 5 June. £50 for all 10 in advance, £60 at the door or £8 for an individual talk. Full details at the Fisher or [email protected] tel 01449 720583.
For further info or feedback please contact
Mary Sprake, Chairman [email protected] 01986 893550 or
Marlene Jervis, Secretary, [email protected] 01986 892905
We hope to see you all soon
We also have our own spanking new website –
Thanks to Karen Leah and Terry Wright who have worked hard to get this up and running. All our information will be available on the site and members will be able to have their own link to show their work plus a link to their own website if they have one. Karen and Terry will provide more information about this [email protected]; [email protected];
Black Dog at the Green Dragon : Monthly Social Meeting – Mon 26 March 7.30 - Jan Hughes, Terry Wright and Hilary Mullock will speak about their experiences in ‘Going Back to Class to Expand their Creative Talents.’ Do come along – you can try the Green Dragon’s own brews, a very reasonably priced glass of wine or have a coffee and in case you don’t know where it is the Green Dragon is in Broad Street on the right as you come into Bungay from Clay’s roundabout off the A143. Parking is either on the road or turn right at the pub and there is a public car park on the cross roads.
Easter Exhibition in St Mary's Church – 31 March to Monday 9 April. Planning for this is well underway – there will be two banners in town advertising this event and posters and flyers have been printed.
Landscapes in the Saints – 3 workshops.
15 April with Katzyina Coleman £30 pp. Meet at St James Village Hall.
One and a half day workshop with Sarah Cannell
Tuesday May 22nd 11am to 1pm, Tuesday May 29th 11am to 3.30pm
21 and 28 July – 2 days with Mary Spicer £60pp.
There will be an exhibition of the works in September.
Workshops: The committee are investigating various workshops throughout the spring and summer. Details will follow
Garden Art Trail 14/15 July part of Bungay Festival – We have six definite town centre gardens, possibly another two , plus four which are not so central but within walking distance for those who can, or by car for those who are not so agile. If you would like to submit art works please see the attached form. The theme for the gardens will be The Natural World so there is a wide spectrum of subjects. Commission will be charged at 10%, there is no hanging fee.
Bungay Festival 21/22 July. We will be inviting members to participate in a Pop Up Art project. The mobile black dog is in the planning stage and there are already several members interested in taking part. In case you have not heard about this the plan is a few people will gather in a place and start sketching, painting, knitting or whatever takes their fancy that can be done with minimal set up time. The group will then up sticks and move to another location in a spontaneous way – no schedule and if it is wet then we will go indoors or at least under cover. The black dog will be trailed around with us from venue to venue. If you would like to take part please contact Mary Sprake [email protected] or 01986 893550.
Remember -The Art Trading Company, 36a Earsham Street is offering paid up members a 10% discount on all art materials. Sue at the shop has a list of members. She is also offering a variety of workshops in the upstairs room. The internet site is or phone 01986 897939 for details.
One of our members, Geoff King, is exhibiting at the Fisher Theatre until mid April so go along and have a look at this great exhibition, the gallery is open 10 – 3 Monday to Saturday.
Also at the Fisher Theatre Dr Roger Simpson is presenting a series of talks on The Englishness of English Art - Series 1 – Ten Georgian Paintings. These will be held on Tuesdays 10 – 12 from 3 April to 5 June. £50 for all 10 in advance, £60 at the door or £8 for an individual talk. Full details at the Fisher or [email protected] tel 01449 720583.
For further info or feedback please contact
Mary Sprake, Chairman [email protected] 01986 893550 or
Marlene Jervis, Secretary, [email protected] 01986 892905
We hope to see you all soon
February 2012 Update
There is a touch of spring in the air at last, so now we can look forward to a varied and productive programme, there is something for everyone.
Our 2012 programme:
Life Drawing at The Fisher Theatre–unfortunately the second session was cancelled as it was the first day of the snow but the final one is Sunday 26 Feb from 11 - 3.30 @ £10 per session at the Fisher Theatre Please contact Liz on 01508 558619 or [email protected]
Black Dog at the Green Dragon : Monthly Social Meeting – Considering the bad weather around a dozen sturdy folk attended on 6 Feb to hear Malcolm Cudmore and Roger Bedingfield talk about their medium and work.
The next one will be Mon 26 March and the speakers will be Jan Hughes, Terry Wright and Hillary Mullock who will speak about their experiences in ‘Going Back to Class to Expand their Creative Talents.’
Easter Exhibition in St Mary's Church – 31st March to Monday 9th April. Karen is organising this once again and the information sheet and expression of interest form are to follow.
Landscapes in the Saints – 3 workshops.
15 April with Katzyina Coleman £30 pp. Meet at St James Village Hall.
May – date tba- with Sarah Cannell, this will be day and a half £50pp.
21 and 28 July – 2 days - with Mary Spicer £60pp.
There will be an exhibition of the works in September. Jan Dungey is organising these so please contact Jan if you are interested or want further information 01986 895227 or [email protected]
Workshops: The committee are investigating various workshops throughout the spring and summer. Details will follow
Garden Art Trail 14/15 July part of Bungay Festival– The Secret Gardens of Bungay. The committee is working on this project and it is proposed to have gardens outside the town centre as well as those within walking distance. More details will follow in the next update.
Bungay Festival 21/22 July. We will be inviting members to participate in a Pop Up Art project. The mobile black dog is in the planning stage and there are already several members interested in taking part. In case you have not heard about this the plan is a few people will gather in a place and start sketching, painting, knitting or whatever takes their fancy that can be done with minimal set up time. The group will then up sticks and move to another location in a spontaneous way – no schedule and if it is wet then we will go indoors or at least under cover. The black dog will be trailed around with us from venue to venue. If you would like to take part please contact Mary Sprake [email protected] or 01986 893550.
Remember-The Art Trading Company, 36a Earsham Street is offering paid up members a 10% discount on all art materials. Sue at the shop has a list of members. She is also offering a variety of workshops in the upstairs room. The internet site is or phone 01986 897939 for details.
For further info or feedback please contact
Mary Sprake, Chairman [email protected] 01986 893550 or
Marlene Jervis, Secretary, [email protected] 01986 892905
Our 2012 programme:
Life Drawing at The Fisher Theatre–unfortunately the second session was cancelled as it was the first day of the snow but the final one is Sunday 26 Feb from 11 - 3.30 @ £10 per session at the Fisher Theatre Please contact Liz on 01508 558619 or [email protected]
Black Dog at the Green Dragon : Monthly Social Meeting – Considering the bad weather around a dozen sturdy folk attended on 6 Feb to hear Malcolm Cudmore and Roger Bedingfield talk about their medium and work.
The next one will be Mon 26 March and the speakers will be Jan Hughes, Terry Wright and Hillary Mullock who will speak about their experiences in ‘Going Back to Class to Expand their Creative Talents.’
Easter Exhibition in St Mary's Church – 31st March to Monday 9th April. Karen is organising this once again and the information sheet and expression of interest form are to follow.
Landscapes in the Saints – 3 workshops.
15 April with Katzyina Coleman £30 pp. Meet at St James Village Hall.
May – date tba- with Sarah Cannell, this will be day and a half £50pp.
21 and 28 July – 2 days - with Mary Spicer £60pp.
There will be an exhibition of the works in September. Jan Dungey is organising these so please contact Jan if you are interested or want further information 01986 895227 or [email protected]
Workshops: The committee are investigating various workshops throughout the spring and summer. Details will follow
Garden Art Trail 14/15 July part of Bungay Festival– The Secret Gardens of Bungay. The committee is working on this project and it is proposed to have gardens outside the town centre as well as those within walking distance. More details will follow in the next update.
Bungay Festival 21/22 July. We will be inviting members to participate in a Pop Up Art project. The mobile black dog is in the planning stage and there are already several members interested in taking part. In case you have not heard about this the plan is a few people will gather in a place and start sketching, painting, knitting or whatever takes their fancy that can be done with minimal set up time. The group will then up sticks and move to another location in a spontaneous way – no schedule and if it is wet then we will go indoors or at least under cover. The black dog will be trailed around with us from venue to venue. If you would like to take part please contact Mary Sprake [email protected] or 01986 893550.
Remember-The Art Trading Company, 36a Earsham Street is offering paid up members a 10% discount on all art materials. Sue at the shop has a list of members. She is also offering a variety of workshops in the upstairs room. The internet site is or phone 01986 897939 for details.
For further info or feedback please contact
Mary Sprake, Chairman [email protected] 01986 893550 or
Marlene Jervis, Secretary, [email protected] 01986 892905
_January 2012 Newsletter
_Our 2012 Programme so far
Life Drawing at The Fisher Theatre/Three Tuns –Liz Balkwill is organising three untutored sessions, Sundays 22nd Jan and 26th Feb from 11 - 3.30 @ £10 per session at the Fisher Theatre and Sunday 5th Feb , same time and charge, in the upstairs room of the Three Tuns. Please contact Liz on 01508 558619 or [email protected] Only a few places left so book now
Monthly Social Meeting – Mon 6th Feb 7.30 in the Green Dragon – Malcolm Cudmore (Derwent pencil artist) and Roger Bedingfield (oils) will talk about their medium and their work. At this meeting we will decide what we will do in March - please come along – you may have some great ideas for future meetings.
Easter Exhibition in St Mary's Church – Get busy creating works for this open exhibition, details to follow – open to all paid up members
Garden Art Trail 14/15 July part of Bungay Festival– The Secret Gardens of Bungay will be the theme and you will be invited to show your work. We hope to have a theme for each garden.
Bungay Festival 21/22 July. We will be inviting members to participate in a Pop Up Art project. A few people will gather in a place and start sketching, painting, knitting or whatever takes your fancy that can be done with minimal set up time. The group will then up sticks and move to another location in a spontaneous way – no schedule and if it is wet then we will go indoors or at least under cover. We are investigating ways of flagging our locations and even hope to have a black dog on wheels to move around with us!!
Remember-The Art Trading Company, 36a Earsham Street is offering paid up members a 10% discount on all art materials. Sue at the shop has a list of members. She is also offering a variety of workshops in the upstairs room and hopes to have a pigment mixing workshop later in the year. The internet site is or phone 01986 897939 for details.
For further info or feedback please contact
Mary Sprake, Chairman [email protected] 01986 893550 or
Marlene Jervis, Secretary, [email protected]01986 892905
Life Drawing at The Fisher Theatre/Three Tuns –Liz Balkwill is organising three untutored sessions, Sundays 22nd Jan and 26th Feb from 11 - 3.30 @ £10 per session at the Fisher Theatre and Sunday 5th Feb , same time and charge, in the upstairs room of the Three Tuns. Please contact Liz on 01508 558619 or [email protected] Only a few places left so book now
Monthly Social Meeting – Mon 6th Feb 7.30 in the Green Dragon – Malcolm Cudmore (Derwent pencil artist) and Roger Bedingfield (oils) will talk about their medium and their work. At this meeting we will decide what we will do in March - please come along – you may have some great ideas for future meetings.
Easter Exhibition in St Mary's Church – Get busy creating works for this open exhibition, details to follow – open to all paid up members
Garden Art Trail 14/15 July part of Bungay Festival– The Secret Gardens of Bungay will be the theme and you will be invited to show your work. We hope to have a theme for each garden.
Bungay Festival 21/22 July. We will be inviting members to participate in a Pop Up Art project. A few people will gather in a place and start sketching, painting, knitting or whatever takes your fancy that can be done with minimal set up time. The group will then up sticks and move to another location in a spontaneous way – no schedule and if it is wet then we will go indoors or at least under cover. We are investigating ways of flagging our locations and even hope to have a black dog on wheels to move around with us!!
Remember-The Art Trading Company, 36a Earsham Street is offering paid up members a 10% discount on all art materials. Sue at the shop has a list of members. She is also offering a variety of workshops in the upstairs room and hopes to have a pigment mixing workshop later in the year. The internet site is or phone 01986 897939 for details.
For further info or feedback please contact
Mary Sprake, Chairman [email protected] 01986 893550 or
Marlene Jervis, Secretary, [email protected]01986 892905